Chapter 30

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"Bark if you're not imposter!" Sean yells out. I don't feel comfortable doing that so I just walk away and do my tasks. Half way through my download an emergency meeting was called.  "Okay who didn't bark??" Sean interrogates. "Katie didn't." Poki says. "Why didn't you bark Katieeeee" Sean asks me like a two year old. "I-I don't know..I g-guess it m-made me a bit u-unconditional.." I say softly.

"It made her uncomfortable because she's the imposter." Toast says then votes. "B-but guys I-it's not me.." "yeah I don't think it's Katie guys." Corpse says. We skip and the round begins. I go and do my card swipe before going to do my tasks in specimen. Ludwig and Corpse come with me. "Y-you guys won't kill me right..?" I ask innocently. "I would never." "You're too cute to kill Katie." I blush "stop making me blushhhh my chat keeps calling me a simpppppp." I whine. "Awww I got you to blushhhh." he says. "Shush." I say and do my tasks.

We go up to the medbay and the lights get cut. Toast vented in and killed me then vented back out. Ludwig and Corpse didn't realize until the lights turned back on..


We end our streams soon after and I just cuddle with my puppy in my chair. I look at the time on my computer 4:30. We didn't stream for long. "Guyssssss Ludwig and Jeremy (toast) are coming to spend the night. I invited them so we could spend time togetherrrrr" Rae says having a bit too much energy. "O-okay.." I stutter out. If I'm still being honest Jeremy makes me a bit uncomfortable.

I go downstairs with Tucker to see my friends talking in the kitchen. "They will be here in about 10 minutes." Rae says as I put my puppy down. "Okay.."  I watch as Tucker takes a few small steps nearly stumbling over his own paws. He comes over to me and I squat down. He begins licking my thumb and I giggle.

"What's so funny down there?" I hear Corpse say. "Tucker won't stop licking my thumb." I keep giggling. "Awwwww." Poki says at the same time as Corpse. I get up and put the kibble in the bowl and mix it with water. I watch as Tucker eats the food. He's a great puppy. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Rae greeting Jeremy and Ludwig at the door. I stand behind corpse slightly, like a little kid hiding behind their mum.

"Sykkunoooo." Ludwig says and gives him a hug then followed by Jeremy. They say hello to everyone else and I know I'm next. "Hi Katie." I hear Ludwig say. "Hi Lud.." I poke out a bit shyly. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist carefully. I feel oddly connected to him..I don't know why but I do. When we break the hug I look over at Jeremy. He opens his arms and I start shaking but I hug him anyway. When I step back I go over to corpse and he picks me up.

"Aww look at you two love birds." I glare at Jeremy before hiding my face in his neck. Ludwig then speaks up. "Wait are you two a thing..?" He sounds a little protective. Corpse nods a little shyly because he knows how Rae will react. "OH MY GOD FINALLY! AFTER WEEKS AND WEEKS OF FLIRTING." "Raeeeee." I whine a little. "Whatttttt I'm just so happy for you two!!!" I blush. Well I guess they all know now..

Heyyyyyyy. There's another chapter. I'm working on the next one rn. But enjoyyyyy. Also thank you all for actually reading my book 😅

-Andy ☺️❤️

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