too lazy to finish so heres the end

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ok so i honestly dont know where i left off but i think i do so anyways uh georgie and crying British man go on a date its awkward but it was ok and yeah and then george sees Mr pissbaby and bitch together an then he gets sad boohoo cracker an then he goes home and cried haha baby anyways then he like ghosts Mr dreamie man and then he shows up to georges house and is like yo broski answer me bitch and he's like haha no ->- and then closes the door because DRAMATIC EFFECT 

then another day goes by and dream calls georie poo and is like heyyo its party time biotch and George is like ok ill go I guess only is snapnappy goes and then they go to the party and now you get to see Mr pissbabies point of view WOW 

Mr dumb green block actually never liked the bitch woman and liked george but thought he was straight so yeah yk basic shit and then george is like getting wasted with Samsung refrigerator and he's like uh oh this ain't good so he leaves the useless woman to herself an then goes to helpless drunk man and is like yo bro you need to get out an he's like bitch no you ruined my life I loved you bitch ahhhhhhh and then he like drags him out to his car and then kith kith fall in love while Mr ColorNotFound is being a cry baby ok the end 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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