Don't even think about it

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No one's p.o.v

You woke up and tried to sit up but there was something preventing you from doing so. So you looked to your right and Tamaki was laying there with his arm around you. You wanted this to last but it couldn't, you thought you were being selfish. You pulled away without waking him up and stretched.

"Hm? (Y/n)? Good morning, how are you?" Tamaki asked while rubbing his tired eyes.

"Good, you?" You asked back.

"I slept better than I usually do. So I slept very well, thank you."

You both got up and went to make breakfast. Well, Tamaki made breakfast surprisingly. He was really good at it too.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Asked Tamaki.

"I'm visiting my Mom and my new step dad. So you have a date with Haruhi, good luck." You said while walking back into your room.

"Wait! Who said I agreed to go on a date with Haruhi?" He asked which confused you.

"Why wouldn't you want to be with her? You like her, so calm down." You said.

"Well, maybe I don't like her. Maybe, I like yo-" he was cut off by you punching him in the gut.

"No Tamaki, don't even think about that. You like Haruhi and I like Kyoya. Got it?" You stated and went back to your room.

You got dressed and headed out while Tamaki was still there. You sighed in irritation and walked towards him.

"Hey, Haruhi likes you back. You should be happy, thats what you wanted. If things go well today then you can be with her." You said then cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"Good bye Tamaki. I'll see you soon." You said then left the house.

He stood there in shock. He just now only realised his feelings for you were bigger and stronger for you than they were for Haruhi.

He ran out of the house looking for you, "(y/n)! Where are you? Please come back!" He screamed for you and fell to the ground crying.

"Please come back (y/n)! Please come back to me! No! Please!" He yelled.

Tamaki didn't know it but Kyoya stood there and watched Tamaki the whole time. Kyoya did have feelings for you but he hid them so well that no one would ever know.

Instead of helping his friend, Kyoya walked away clearly seeing that his friend needed you more than he needed you.

~~~With you~~~

You were at a lodge nearby but still a little far away. You stood at the balcony of your room looking up at the stars.

"The stars look pretty tonight." You said to yourself.

The visit only lasted a few days but when you got back home, you weren't suprised to see Tamaki there on the couch.

He looked like a wreck, so you got out a blanket and covered him with it. When you walked away, you felt his lean hands on yours.

"Please don't leave me ever again. I realised that I don't love Haruhi, I love you. I love you so much, we were always together and every second that I was with you made me need you more. So please don't ever leave me." Tamaki confessed.

Your face turned red, you tried to hide your blush but it was no use. He saw it then smiled knowing that he got you. He knew that you were going to be his.

"I love you (y/n)." He said then kissed you softly.

He pulled you into his chest and you stayed there. You began to slowly wrap your arms around him.

"Thank you for loving me Tamaki." You said.

Every second that passed was such a happy feeling. It was weird, like this feeling was so brand new.

The next day you received a phone call from your new step father.


"Ah (y/n), your mother is going through labour. She's having the baby right now! You should come and see her." He said.

"No thanks, I have school and I don't feel like seeing someone else's kid thats not my real father's." You replied and hung up.

Tamaki was still there and was making breakfast. You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around him.

"Good morning Tamaki."

"Good morning (y/n). Who were you talking to on the phone?" Asked Tamaki.

"Just my new step father. He said that my mom was going into labour because she's pregnant. He also wanted me to go, but we have school so no thank you." You said.

He nodded and finished making breakfast. You both sat down and ate.

"So now what are we gonna do today?" You asked Tamaki.

"Well, we could go to the beach. It's nice and warm outside." He suggested.

"Sure, but I'm not going in the water." You said and crossed your arms.

"What if I taught you how to swim? Would you go in the water?" Asked Tamaki.

You shrugged. "I don't know, it depends."

"Alright! Then lets go to the beach!" Tamaki said and pointed.

~~~At the beach~~~

The rest of the host club intended to go with you guys. Honey and Mori watched Tamaki like a hawk.

Their words were, "No touching her, no pushing her, don't let her swim by herself, don't be a pervert, no hugging, and make sure she's safe at all costs."

It kind of confused you why Honey and Mori would go through so much lengths to protect you.

Well anyways you were walking with Tamaki on the sand. You looked at him and h looked liked he was having a really good daydream.

You tilted your head and he looked over at you. Then he smiled.

"I'm glad that I have you. You're all that I need." He said and hugged you.

Then in the background Honey and Mori were being held back by the rest of the host club. "He's hugging her! BOSS RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" yelled the twins.

Tamaki went pale then grabbed you and ran. He knew that you were cousins with Honey and Mori.

The two cousins broke free from their grasp and chased after the two of you. They were never going to let their little cousin go out with their friends, let alone the host club's king.

"Hey why are we running for?" You asked.

"Well there may be a situation that we are in and Honey and Mori are your cousins. Remember their rule, no hugging. Well we broke that rule." Said Tamaki with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Well run faster! I don't wanna die! I still have places that I still wanna eat at!" You yelled at him.

You ended up at a commoners train station, and you don't even know how you ended up there. You looked around and saw girls talking to Tamaki.

There was fire in your eyes, Tamaki smiled at you and walked away from the girls. He stood in front of you.

"Aw, you look cute when your jealous." He said then kissed your forehead, as your eyes softened.

"I'm hungry, wanna go eat somewhere nearby?" You asked.

"Well, I was thinking we can go on the train and eat in there. Plus when the train moves we can see a beautiful view of the land." He said then smiled.

Your eyes widened and nodded. "Yeah! Let's do that! C'mon lets go!" You said and dragged him on the train.

It was dark out and the two of you ate a candle lit dinner. You looked out of the window and saw the water shimmer from the moon.

"Ah! Look Tamaki! It's so pretty!" You said in excitement and leaned against the window.

He chuckled and thought, 'I love this girl.'

Then the two of you fell asleep in the train sleeping peacefully.

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