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Kyle kept driving for about 15 minutes longer and I asked "where are we?". "oh, no need to worry" he said with a smirk.

He was attractive so I went with whatever he intended.

He pulled the car into a driveway and said "we are here".

"Thank you for saving me, I would not be alive if you didnt help me" I said whilst looking in his deep blue eyes.

He got out of the car and so did I, I followed him down the alley at the side of the house. We entered through a small basement door.

In this house there was a kitchen, a hallway, a bathroom, a living room, and a bedroom. Kyle walked around the house giving me a tour.
We stopped in the bedroom, it was amazing! White lights hung on the wall, the bed was made and there was so many pillows. It was the perfect bedroom. He sat on the bed, "come sit down" he said with a smirk...

Delicious PerfectionWhere stories live. Discover now