So it begins

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==>Be Rose

Looking at my bag I go through everything to make sure I have everything I need for the first day of school. I have a purple backpack with black straps and a piece of jade green cloth pined on there by Kanaya. Really I think it makes the whole thing better.

Putting the bag over my shoulder I look at myself in the mirror by the door to make sure I look acceptable. Almost on cue there's a knock on my door.

I open it and smile at the beautiful face of Kanaya clearly aiming to make a good first impression with that jade green shirt with a tight black jacket with her symbol on it with a purple belt showing off her curves more, and some loose red pants that fit her perfectly and very dark green flats. She also has a back like mind except her's is green with a purple piece of cloth clipped on it.

"My my Miss Maryam you sure dressed to impress the whole world", I say taking her in.

"Well You Also Look Most Beautiful If I Say So Myself Lalonde", Kanaya smiles.

Kanaya holds out her hand, "Now Shall We Go".

"We most definitely shall", I say grabbing her hand and happily walking to the bus stop with Kanaya.

==>See what's going on at the bus stop

Rose and Kanaya where the first to get to the bus stop and were just talking until Sollux and Aradia get there too.

Soon after was Feferi, very literally being followed by Eridan.

Karkat was getting aggravated by John who was teasing him with Nepeta, Equius, and Roxy close behind.
Gamzee rushes past Dave and Terezi, Tavros calling after him. Vriska just walking ahead. Jane, Jake, Jade, and Dirk all are talking or at least listening to each other.

After a while of everyone waiting there for the bus talking the bus get there and everyone files on.

Vriska quickly goes all the way to the back followed by Tavros and Gamzee. The very back being taken Dirk sits down with Jake sitting next to him and Dave with Jane on the other side. Aradia and Sollux go to a seat more toward the back while Kanaya and Rose sit in the front. John and Karkat sit together while Terezi sits across from them. Roxy and Nepeta sit behind John and Karkat while Equius is across from them. Jade sits in front of John and Karkat.

With everyone settled the bus moved them to their first day of school.

==>Everyone: try to settle into your new school

Arriving at the front of the school they see the sign of the school Berg High School as they walk out of the bus.

"SO WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?" Karkat asks irritably.

"We have to make our way to the classroom that is on that paper we got", John says smiling.

"Thii2 ii2 kiind of stupiid", Sollux says looking around.

A grinning Aradia responds with, "Oh come on it's exciting to get to live a new life completely different from the first one!"

"That Is Very True, It Is Most Definitely Going To Be An Interesting Experience", Kanaya says, her arm interlocked with Rose's.

"All of this is true for a lot of us but I think our time would be better spent actually experiencing all the new things, we don't want to be late and get a bad reputation", Rose says.

Kanaya nods, "Yes That Would Not Be Very Good, So Rose Where Will You Be Going", she asks as they start to walk into the large building.

"OMGOMGOMG!! This is AMAZING!", Roxy says excitedly to her friends.

"Yes I guess it's pretty neat to have basically a clean slate", Jane says.

"NoOOoo, ok well yea kind of but I mean like, I never actually got to go to school, and it's really EXCITING!" Roxy responds.

"I agree chap it is quite exciting and I'm almost nervous", Jake says and Jade nods agreeing.

"Look I don't think it's going to be that big of a deal so lets just get all our shit together and go", Dirk says.

They all head into the big building and everyone tries to find their class they're getting their schedule in and start going to this school regularly.


Ok I am such a stupid lazy person because that took me way too long to actually write this very short thing. Oh well.

I'm perfectly fine for having oc trolls or like yourself being added into the story just as some friendly person trying to be a friend if that is the kind of person you are.

I think that's all. (I'm so glad I don't put a measure of how long I should make the chapters for this story it makes things go by better I feel).

All Homestuck characters in this is owned by Andrew Hussie. In case you didn't know... If you don't know what homestuck is then what are you doing here and why aren't you going to mspaintadventures? Seriously...

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