finally here

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"yes auntie, i'll be fine

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"yes auntie, i'll be fine."
"yup. i just got in their house, it's really nice!"
"i won't forget my japanese i swear"
"yeah, yeah"
"yeah, mhm, o- okay i have to go"
"yes, i love you."
"oh- HAHAHA i forgot it's morning there."
"yeah sorry"
"okay bye now."


'okay, i still have to unpack this luggage and my toiletries... and i think i should be good.'

[ knock knock ]

"y/n-san, c'mon let's eat dinner!"

"oh okay, i'll be right down."

[during dinner]

"so what do you think of japan so far?" my host dad asked.

"it's really nice and cold!" i smiled.

"it's kinda hot in the state i used to live in, so this is very refreshing. :)" i said as i took a bite.

"that's good, but always remember to not go out at night alone okay?" my host mom reminded.

"even if you're in a different country doesn't mean perverts don't exist"

i chuckled and smiled, "yes, yes. thank you for your concern."

"and also you too kai, even though you're in your last year, you're still in junior high"

"yeah, yeah i know."

"i think kai is very strong! i saw your judo medals displayed!" i complimented him.

he blushed, "y- yeah.."

(he's just a tsundere y'all don't be fucking gross)

's- sO CUTEEE!' i squealed.

"AWWW YOU ARE SO CUTE!" i tried to hug him.

"a- oi- s- sTOP"

mom's pov

'good thing they're getting along..' i smiled as i watched, ahh.. my new family.

| ocakes moving on |

a lot has happened huh, but first how about we give ourselves a bit of a background check?

y/n l/n
- age 16
- may 3 is ur bday (i just chose a random one lol)
- both of ur parents died in a car crash on their way home from the hospital after u were born.
- since u were still a literal fetus, u don't feel anything abt the situation.. i mean it is sad, but there isn't really any memories to mourn about.
- u were taken in by ur aunt and uncle.
- they had a business and was apart of the upper class.
- unfortunately, a part of the reason why u were sent away is because their business was found in a scandal, and they wanted to keep family out of the picture to avoid others getting threatened.
- i'll leave their 'dangerous' business up to ur imagination :) (except mafia tho LMFAO THIS AINT A MAFIA AU)
- u are studying as an exchange student for 2 years.
- you're the type that can definitely have higher grades, but you're just lazy
- u love love love love green tea mochi ice cream
- boba is also top tier
- u live in a hot state (wtv u have in mind)
- brown hair
- beach waves
- green eyes
- ur weight is up to u
- u aint short but ure also not tall
- u aint give a fuck abt bitches
- u bought all ur pc stuff and equipment
- u dont like being in debt
- elite humor
- k thats it lol

s. rintarou | gaming friendsWhere stories live. Discover now