Chapter 14

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The elevator ride is rather jumpy, though Eunha notes that it isn't the machine that is giving her that feeling but instead those in there with her. They are all still happily taken aback by her words and the most beautiful smile they ever saw, their souls and minds lost in ecstasy.

Eunha doesn't quite know what to do, so the dinging sound of the elevator indicating that they have reached their destination is beyond a great relief to her.

She had imagined that a corridor would great them when the metal of the machine slid open, maybe long and nicely lit with wodden doors doted along the white walls. As such she is surprised to find an entry way into an apartment, a lounge room also in view behind it.

She steps hesitantly, still guided by protective arms, into the room. It is big, especially for an entry, with many shelves and cupboards and hooks for shoes and coats and whatever else they have a need to store.

Eunha glances about unaware of the rather obvious amasement and wonderment plastered upon her face. She sees how they begin to take off their shoes, not hearing the small giggles nor seeing the smirks, as she moves to follow their actions.

After managing to pull of one muddy sneaker she moves onto the next. She had leant against the wall for stability and it had worked, but suddenly that changes as she begins to tug at the unrelenting knot in her shoelaces. She loses her balance but before she gets anywhere near faceplanting into the tiles Namjoon's strong arms encase her, setting her right before he kneels and removes her shoe.

He smiles up at her, a pleasent little press of his mouth's line into his dimples. He stands, taking her shoes and placing them on a shelf with the rest and Eunha notices that the two of them are alone with the all the various pairs, a variety of size and style that would even amaze a cobbler.

She mumbles a thank you, embarrassed that she couldn't complete such a simple task without help, wishing her strength would return soon, and trying to hold onto the feeling of phantom arms around her.

She treads lightly into the next room, staying close to the furniture when possible, before one Jungkook happily bounds in from the right.

"Eunha! Jin hyung told me to guide you to your room," he says with a light in his eye, ready to help out. "And Namjoon hyung, he said you can come on the tour while they make dinner. The others weren't too happy but there was nothing they could do," he chuckles micheviously as he looks over his shoulder at the grumbling group.

Eunha follows the motion with her eyes, also chuckling when she sees the pouts stuck onto their faces. She understands that her soulmates don't want to leave her, that the bond is pulling, but they are going to be in the same house. As such, she isn't too worried about them, instead turning back to the two who would be her guides.

"Where to start?" Questions Namjoon.

In return, Eunha answers, "the beginning I guess... Right here?"

"I suppose it is as good as place as any," he agrees, "this is our entry," he says pointing at the shoe/storage/elevator room. He then turns, pointing to the couch before them, "the lounge room".

"We spend a lot of time watching movies here, but if less people want to watch or we can't decide on the movie, then we will use the second lounge room," Jungkook informs before beaming, proud that he rembers and proud of the fact itself, "we also play a lot more games there".

She nods, and the tour continues, taking off in the opposite direction she had expected. Eunha had thought they would head right, towards what was an obvious kitchen. Instead they move left, passing a little door and heading to a corridor hidden behind one of the lounge room walls.

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