Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Stepping into the office the following day, Morgan couldn't help but notice a decent amount of people were already here this morning and conversing with each other in some of the conference rooms. A new law firm client had been brought on recently, and a majority of the marketing department was going to help launch their next campaign. Morgan knew she would likely be brought into the project at some point - Justin would most likely make sure of that. But for right now she just wanted to focus on Precision Medical.

Morgan headed into her office, and a moment later Stephanie entered carrying two Starbucks cups. "Hey girl. I got you a chai."

"Thanks Steph. I knew there was a reason I kept you around," Morgan teased, and Stephanie giggled as she handed her the cup. "Seems kind of busy here this morning."

"Yeah, that Vershafsky Law account really wanted to hit the ground running with the new marketing campaign," Stephanie said. "I was actually passing by one of the meeting rooms just now where Justin was talking to Mikayla. It sounded like he wants you to help her oversee the website launch."

"What?" Morgan asked disbelievingly. "Are you serious? Justin knows I'm running the Precision Medical account by myself right now. He wants me to help oversee the whole Vershafsky website too?"

"That's just what I heard. I may have been wrong," Stephanie said, shrugging slightly. "But Justin may try to pull you into one of those meetings today, just a fair warning."

"I'll be careful to avoid him," Morgan rolled her eyes, sighing in exasperation before sitting down behind her desk. "Thanks for letting me know."


At that moment, Martha the receptionist stepped into Morgan's office. "Hi Morgan. You have a call on line two."

"Thanks Martha," Morgan smiled, picking up her desktop phone. Martha stepped out, and Stephanie waved goodbye before following her, closing the door behind her.

Morgan hit the button for line two before bringing the phone to her ear. "Hello, this is Morgan Cahill."

"Hi Morgan."

Morgan paused, raising her eyebrows. She recognized that voice. "Marcus?"

"Yeah," Marcus said, and Morgan could hear him smiling. "How are you?"

"Um... I'm good. How are you?" Morgan asked, still rather surprised at him calling her this morning.

"I'm great. I'm really sorry to be calling your office like this, I hope this is okay."

"Oh no, it's totally fine," Morgan assured him. "I actually have a few minutes to spare before I start my day."

"Great. I promise I'll be quick," Marcus said. "I'm actually going to be in your area this afternoon and I was wondering if you and I could have lunch today?"

Morgan was at a loss for words. Was Marcus asking her out? She felt a bit flattered, but going on a date really did not appeal to her in the slightest right now. She thought she had made it clear the other day about not looking for a relationship, but she supposed she would have to be even clearer about it now.

"Um," she began uncomfortably. "Look, Marcus..."

"It wouldn't be a date," Marcus cut her off quickly. "Sorry, I should have been clearer. I have something I want to ask you and I was hoping you would hear me out. Would today at noon in that atrium café work for you?"

Morgan blinked, surprised. She definitely hadn't expected this, but at least he promised her it wasn't a date. "Oh, um... sure. Yeah, I think that would be fine."

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