kat + jules ❂ high school sweethearts

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- summary just kat n jules talking for a little while!

- relationship besties lol

- s/f/a fluff!

- trigger warnings drug use :)

- word count 800+

Kat's lips are still pursed when the blunt leaves them, but the smoke stays in her mouth for at least ten more seconds before she lets it escape into the foggy air of Jules' bedroom. Jules' fingers are loose around the roll up but it is steady when she smokes.

"And I just kept wondering what the point was, you know?" Kat continues, trailing her fingertips over the bedspread, "Like I don't even like these people, they're exhausting. Obviously I know I should just put up with it and everything because they're, like, my friends or whatever, but I don't wanna be treated like I'm a cunt for being basically exactly the same as them. Like sorry I don't want to just be your sad little fat friend anymore and I want to be my own person."

Jules nods slowly and when she opens her mouth to speak, thin smoke blossoms from her lips. "I get that. They probably just needed someone to keep like... like a pet or something."

"Right? It was like I was just their little charity case for them to show everyone how great they are as people. Like, ooh, look at us, we hang out with people like Kat so we're not mean. But the point is, I just don't wanna know them anymore. Like come on, I haven't done anything they haven't already done. Ditched my friends for guys? That's never not happened to me from them, sorry I wanna enjoy myself."

Jules nods again and, after passing the blunt back to Kat, lies down on her pillows, eyes up at the sky outside her window. The sky is pitch black but speckling the darkness are flimsy little dark grey clouds halfway obscuring the moon and dragging themselves from one side of the sky to the other. They look sort of like snakes, or smoke, or... clouds.

"But it's like... it's whatever. And anyway, changing the subject, what's going on with you and Rue?"

Jules glances at Kat when she says that, just quickly. She lies on her side like she's a queen, casual and commanding, and her stare is expectant of a quick answer.

"I mean, everyone thinks there's something going on. I just wanted to know if the rumours were true, you know?"

"I don't even know," Jules smiles, tipping her gaze back to the sky, "Rue's... Rue's great."

"Ooh." Kat teases.

Jules giggles. "Not like that... I don't think. I mean I like her-"

"You like her? Or like like her?" Kat questions. Jules considers her answer for longer than she needs to, and longer than Kat can be bothered to wait for; she sits up and starts scrolling through her phone. She dimples at a notification and Jules looks back at the sky.

"I don't know yet. Like, I... I like li- her if that makes any sense?"

"You almost like her."

"Exactly. She's... I think she's kind of perfect, for me at least. I look at her and all the stuff that's going on in my head and like, worries and shit, they don't seem to matter anymore. And she sees me."

"I see you." Kat protests weakly.

"But Rue sees me. More of me. I don't know how to explain it. Like she looks at me and I'm naked, spiritually. She sees straight into me and she's totally okay with it, she likes it, and I don't get it... She's just perfect."

"That really does sound like you like li- her." Kat giggles, poking Jules stomach with her toe. Jules creases herself into sitting up, giggling back, and rests her chin on Kat's shoulder to look at her phone. Kat's fingers falter for a second - wondering whether or not to show Jules what she was looking at - before she clicks onto her banking app.

"Check this shit." Kat mumbles, unlocking it with her fingerprint. The bluish white screen loads, and her balance is in the thousands.

"How the fuck-"

"I'm mean to people." Kat grins, opening another app. There, there is reams and reams of Amazon wishlist links and nasty texts and money transfers. Kat talks through each of them and both of them giggle.

"We should just, like, run away. We could, with this money." Kat says, locking her phone and lying on Jules legs. Jules plays with her hair.

"I don't think I'm cut out for running away." She smiles, but her stomach is churning. Even the idea makes her feel a little sick.

"Why not? I think you'd be good at it, we both would."

"I couldn't leave Rue."

Kat says that's cute, and she keeps talking about the guys she talks to while Jules thinks.  With all the Nate stuff...

Running away doesn't seem like too bad an idea.

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