I Can't Make You Love Me (Marco Reus)

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They were at their secret spot, a hidden park near where they live. They go there every weekend, at night, as people will less likely find them. And of course, Marco was talking about all the girls he recently met or talked to and said he was in love with one of them. It's not unusual. Hanna Orlov knew why he did it, or so she thinks. It might be because he's 25 and well, he wants to settle down. He had talked about wanting a family and having kids a lot.

And her heart breaks every time he talks about a girl. Because she was in love with him. It's been a while actually. Ever since they bumped into each other that five years ago. As she is 2 years younger than him, she understood why he might've never have feelings for her. Maybe he thought of her as a sister, much as that breaks her heart.

"I'm serious, Han. She might finally be the one. Oh and she even goes to university this time. Not like all those models." Marco was talking to her, but his gaze was at the lake in front of them.

Hanna faked a smile. "That's great, Marco. Are you going to ask her out?"

Marco looked at her, and grinned. "Yes."

She would be lying if she said that did not catch her off guard. Sure, he said that he loved all those girls before but he had never asked them out ever before. It hurt her but she had to be happy for him. She doesn't want him to know how she actually felt for him, for fear of losing him forever. "What? No way. Marco that's great! You have to introduce us."

"Maybe, I will."

She had no reply to that. Had she reply, she knew her voice would break. So she smiled at him, and hoped he did not see how her eyes were getting glassy while his was too, for a complete different reason.


She got it. She got into the medical school of she'd been dreaming of since she was young. She had just received the letter this morning, and she was definitely happy. All the hard work and effort she had put into working to being a doctor had finally paid off. But while she was celebrating, she had not thought of Marco once.

Until now.

She didn't know how to break the news to him. They are best friends anyway. She didn't want to leave him. But this is it.

Ever had the moment where you're really sure of what you want? Even though it might hurt some people, she knew this was it.

So here she is, walking up to the familiar steps to his house. The familiar feeling, with just a little more heartbreak than usual.


"It's in London."


"Well, at least I'm still in Europe."

"When are you leaving?"




Life isn't a fairytale. This isn't a movie. She didn't know what to expect but.. this was heartbreaking, honestly.

Maybe somewhere deep down inside, she wanted it to be like in her daydreams, where he would confess his undying love for her, and that all of those girls were just a cover up. But no, this is real life, and things like that just don't happen in here.

Being best friends with a footballer is crazy enough, but for one to be in love with you would be absurd, and it definitely didn't happen to Hanna.

When Marco arrived to the airport and said their farewells, and exchanged 'see-you-soon's, she wished for something more. But now she knew the truth, that she was just his best friend and that is all they'll ever be.

Or maybe, they won't  see each other again, for better or for worse. And they'll be strangers, with some memories.

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