Chapter 13

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"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard"

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"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard"

We waited at the entrance to heaven for Cas to get back...hopefully with Jack. The amount of time it's taking is making me lose all hope of us ever seeing him again. The moment he's in my arms again I'm never letting go. With living a life as a hunter it's hard to form and keep relationships, which is why Jack is so special to me.

He's the first real guy I've been with, in probably my whole life. It wasn't just because Sam and Dean kept guys away from me, it's also because I'm a hunter. Nothing about my life has ever been simple or safe but that's one of the things that makes it so fun. Everyday holds something new and you never get bored of it.

"We should do something," Dean stated, getting very antsy. Sam started to speak but stopped the moment Cas appeared but without Jack by his side. All my hope and excitement died in that very moment that we'd ever get him back. Why would I be so stupid and get my hopes up like that?

"There's no way to get Jack past Lucifer without him knowing it. That's why the angels agreed to help me. I'm not sure what their motive is but we'll figure that out later." Cas assured us. But not me, that didn't assure me at all. It only made this whole thing a million times more complicated.

A sigh left my lips while I looked up at the darkened sky. Not a star in sight, just a full moon. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Sam standing there giving me an apologetic look. To be honest I've had enough of those looks for one lifetime. All we need to worry about right now is getting our Jack home.

"We should head back to the bunker, rest up," Dean told us.

"Actually can I have a minute alone?" I asked the three. Cas frowned but they nodded and left me alone while they went to the impala to wait. I sat down on the park bench and let out a deep breath before looking up at the sky. A small smile formed on my face and I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not but..." my heart started breaking again as my voice shook with each word. "I miss you. I feel like a part of me was stolen and I'm trying my best to bring you home, Jack. Please just whatever you do...don't leave me." I cried. The tears fell down my cheeks and onto my sweater. Every part of my heart felt broken into thousands of pieces.

After that very emotional prayer, I stood to my feet and made my way towards the car. "Danielle!" A voice called my name causing me to stop. It sounded so familiar, like home. I turned around and my eyes met with his. With Jack. A smile spread across both our faces as I ran into his arms and he held me close to him.

"How are you here?" I asked pulling away only slightly, his arms still resting on my waist.

"I got away for a moment but he will notice I'm gone if I don't get back soon. I just wanted to tell you that I got your prayer. I miss you too," he told me and I smiled.

"I love you, baby." He whispered and my heart literally skipped a beat. Without thinking I cupped his cheeks in my hands and pulled him in for a kiss. He seemed very surprised by this action but held my waist tightly in his hands as he kissed me back. For his first kiss, this isn't bad.

I pulled away after a moment and smiled at him. "I love you too," I replied. That made him happy to hear but his smile dropped when he realized he had to go.

"I have to go but just keep praying to me, I love hearing your voice. It sounds a lot like home." He smiled before completely disappearing in front of my eyes. Even though it's heartbreaking to see him go he gave me my hope back. I'm not sure what the feeling is but I've got a good one that he's coming home.

After getting into the car it was silent until Cas spoke up. "I saw Jack. What did he want? How did he get away?" He asked.

"He said he could talk for a minute but he assured me everything will be okay," I told him. I looked at Dean to see him smiling at me through the rearview mirror. "What?" I asked kind of freaked out.

"I know that I haven't been giving him a chance since he arrived but I was wrong about him. It was wrong of me to keep you two apart and for that I'm sorry. I want to help you bring him back." He told me and I smiled while thanking him for this. It really means a lot to me that Dean of all people is giving Jack a chance.

After getting home Cas called up an Angel friend of his who can help us with this. By the sound of it, he will be here tomorrow morning to help us out. He also happens to share a mutual hatred for Lucifer as well so at least we're on the same page. Everyone went to bed late that night but not me, I wasn't able to sleep at all.

All that was on my mind was Jack and him coming home. And taking down Lucifer once and for all.

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