chapter six

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Careless mistakes were something that happened on a regular because we are not perfect. Trying to be this faultless person takes a tole on you, and adds tons of unnecessary stress. And when I had a person in my life constantly trying to make me out to be this perfect person, I lost myself.

I tried to mess up as little as possible when around Vincent, I wasn't pushing for the impossible because he did not deserve smooth sailing when it came to this whole nursing thing. I found myself on my toes around him because I didn't want to piss him off, I wanted him to like me, but in some odd way I also liked the way he treated me.

As sad as it was, it was attractive when men were harsh towards you, it set a tone for the relationship. It lured me in, going back and forth with a person as hard-headed as Vincent. We didn't see eye to eye, but I felt a balance between us, one that drew me in everyday that I experienced him.

Vincent didn't show many emotions, but his face was fit for a eye-catching smile, I just knew it would look perfect on him.

I'd been knocking frantically at his front door hoping my quickness would help simmer him down a little bit, but I knew brightening his mood was a lost cause. He was going to be pissed and I understood, the missing muscle cream was going to ruin his day along with mine.

The door finally swung open to reveal Cameron, who i'd begged this morning to take care of his friend in my absence, I just didn't trust he would stay off his feet alone. Vincent was the type to do the exact opposite of my demands just to spite me, but then again he didn't care that much. "Thank fuck you're here!"

"How mad is he?" I tried, hoping for a positive response despite knowing the reality. He was going to bite my fucking head off. "I'd tell you if he hadn't kicked me out of the room." He revealed.

I sighed heavily making my way to his room, mentally preparing myself for moodiest person to walk this earth. I was not scared of him whatsoever, but apprehensive of what I was walking into.

"I never thought I'd see your face and feel relief ever in my life." He was sitting on the edge of the left side of his bed with his legs spread, and head angled towards the ceiling. The pain filled expression on his face could easily be mistaken for a face of pleasure, he looked fucking good. "Stop standing there like an idiot, get over here now." He added.

My feet followed his words as I passed him the muscle cream, still not sure when a real outburst was gonna come. He looked down at his hand that I placed the tube in, then locked eyes with me, they were blank. "What, Vincent?"

"You not gonna put it on for me?" His tone was not suggestive, it actually held nothing to it, he was monotone and blunt. He wanted me to do something for him, but put no effort in asking—something he'd never done before.

I grabbed the chair in his room and plopped down in front of him, practically in between his legs. Our difference in seating had me looking up at him, I liked it, having him above me, it was a comforting feeling. I carefully reached down to grab his foot, placing it on my lap to apply the cream. When my eyes left to look down at his ankle his never left my face.

He knew that I could feel his stare, as I almost missed the cream on my hand by a hair. I was fucking awkward under people's gazes, especially Vincent's, there was no telling what he was thinking. I felt his eyes travel as I began to work the cream into his skin. Continuing the digging of my fingers into his ankle, my eyes shifted back up to his only to find them on my chest.

"Your breasts are showing through that shirt." He observed out loud, he knew I would question it.

My eyes shot down to my shirt, seeing my hard nipples peak slightly through. I didn't see a problem with it, it was just the out line of my boobs. His reaction was impossible to decipher, he wouldn't look away, but also seemed unaffected. "I didn't really have time to change after you called." I muttered.

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