he's......not afraid?

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today has been strange, the guy i bumped into wasn't afraid of me, he was.....actually fascinated with my look and my aura.

"Alamos!"the wizards were going to come out and find me, he hid me in a transformation crystal while i was not looking, i thought i was the only person who used them, he hid me in his hood thing, it looks just like mine just held on with a darkened blue ribbon tide into a bow on his chest.

"where did she go?!"i heard the woman who was stuttering from before was now shouting in a complete sentences, i can't believe she and her family can't see me.

'possibly because the crystals light is being blocked by this kind wizards clothing.'great, coda's talking, oh for those who don't know anything, coda is my twin sister who's body is missing, her guard is stuck here to, my guard is always with me, and i heard them talking and yelling at each other before i passed out.

i felt........safe, with him  helping us, it.....i.....i don't know how to explain, but, i don't think he wants them to find us.

*time skip*

he took me out of his pocket and let me out, he looked at the top of my head, i squinted, he steped closer and fixed my messy hair, i guess i fell asleep on the way to, wherever this broken church is, he...smiled at me, he's.....not afraid?

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