Chapter 11: Meeting

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Bon was now standing in front of the large building that was the mall. It was decorated with walls of white concrete and clear glass. Many people walked in and out of the building, either holding shopping bags or on the phone. He walked through the glass doors, searching for the big water fountain.

Luckily, he didn't have to search for long since the structure was right in the middle. He immediately noticed the group of performers, sitting or standing near the fountain. Toy Freddy noticed Bon and waved at him. The blue haired boy waved back at him before running towards them.

" Hey Bon, did you oversleep again?" TF asked playfully. Bon faked laughed in response. " No, I just had something to do." Bon sat down next to TF. He noticed the only other performers there were Foxy, Mangle, Spring, Goldie, TC, and Marionette. " Where's Freddy, Chica, and ...Bonnie?" the blue haired boy asked. " Oh, they're just getting us a few drinks that we ordered. Don't worry, I went ahead and ordered your favorite!" TC responded.

" Also, Barnaby got better and will be joining us." Marionette added. They stayed silent for a few moments. The only sound was the sound of the water flowing down from the top and creating small splashes as it clashed with the water already inside the pool. TC and Mangle admired the fountain as the water continued to flow.

Foxy was sitting next to Mangle who decided to dig into her pockets to see if she had a quarter to toss in. " Ah great. I thought I had one in here." she complained, digging into her pocket. She groaned when she realized she didn't have any. Foxy decided to look into his pocket for any quarters.

He pulled out a shiny grey quarter from his pocket. Foxy tapped on Mangle's shoulder to grab her attention. She turned to him. " Yeah?" she asked. Foxy smiled and opened his palm to reveal the quarter. " Here, you can throw it if you like." Mangle's eyes widened before looking up at Foxy then down at the quarter. " I...thanks" she said before she picked up the quarter.

She shut her eyes tightly and scrunched up her nose as if she were making a wish. The red haired boy chuckled at the girl's antics. Mangle then tossed the coin into the fountain. " I've always wanted to do that." she said. Foxy rose his brow. " What? You've never done that?" he asked jokingly.

" Of course I have you idiot!" Mangle retaliated. " I've just never thrown a coin in this fountain. My goal's just to throw a coin in every fountain." Foxy gave her a blank expression before bursting out laughing. Mangle slapped him lightly on the back.

" Okay not gonna lie, you need new goals." Foxy said, shaking his head. Mangle rolled her eyes but laughed, a small blush decorating her cheeks. " You're such an idiot."

" Hey guys! Sorry we took so long, lots of people in line." Freddy apologized, carrying 4 drinks in a drink carrier. Chica held 4 bags of food, 2 in each hand. Bonnie and Barnaby were carrying the rest of the drinks, 4 drinks each.

Bon found himself staring at Bonnie as he helped pass out the drinks. Bonnie wore a white shirt with a black leather jacket and navy jeans. He also had some black combat ankle boots on. His purple hair was styled as usual, a few strands loose here and there.

Wow... he looks so... ho-STOP no no no, he just looks cool. Okay, got it. Bon tried to avoid those kinds of thoughts, unaware of Bonnie standing right in front of him. Bonnie looked awkwardly to the side, unsure how to get Bon's attention.

He cleared his throat as he covered his mouth with his fist, holding the carrier in his free hand. Bon looked up, his face turning red from embarrassment. " Hey, you okay?You seemed to zone out for a bit." Bonnie said before sitting down next to the blue haired boy.

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