Chapter 1: The Hogwarts Express

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Stomping footsteps were coming behind her, pushing her into the closet. An unfamiliar voice pleaded with her, in a hushed tone, "Stay here, honey. Please don't leave. I'll be right back." She didn't know why she was here or why there was so much yelling, but something inside her told her to trust them. Nothing about this felt normal. This has never happened before and all she wanted was to leave her hiding space, but she stayed nonetheless.

            Darkness surrounded her on all sides, the only separation between her and what she was told to avoid was a wooden door that seemed less safe by the minute. Her heartbeat was in her throat, making her incredibly aware of how loud her breathing was, willing it to be quieter. The silence she buried herself in was disturbed by a deafening crash, the walls around her shaking violently. She wanted to scream, but the sound got lodged in her throat, a fury of panic running up her spine.

           She woke up with a jolt, her head beading with sweat at the reoccurring nightmare that plagued her sleep far too many times. The surrounding air was chilly making her shiver despite her body feeling like it was on fire. It's been a few months since the last time she dreamt of that horrible scene, never remembering much of it, other than the fact she'd be incredibly happy to never have to experience it again. Sleep was supposed to bring her peace, and being robbed of that peace only made her worry about how the rest of the day would play out.

            The door creaked open, her mother walking in with a vial in her hand. "Today's the day, Ana," she hummed stoically. Her mother always spoke to her with a sort of gentleness, making the young girl smile. "Are you ready?" The tall woman handed her the vial, Ana dipping her head back to take her daily medicine.

            "I think I'm ready," Ana sighed, her brows furrowed, making a deep crease form in the space where an eleven year old should not have lines. "I had that nightmare again, mum."

            The admission made her mother nod understandingly, having been here before with her daughter. She took a seat at the foot of the bed, staring at her hands. A comfortable silence filled the space between them as she waited for her mother to respond. The family owl began squawking as it circled the building, momentarily distracting the girl until her mother spoke.

             "Well, we could focus on the dream," she huffed, "Or we could get you fed, and showered. The train leaves at eleven o'clock on the dot." Ana knew that going on and on about her dream would do her no good, having tried talking about it with both her parents. Neither of them cared to give dreams much attention. And the even yet unwavering look on her mother's face sealed the deal. The girl nodded, handing the empty vial back to her mother.

            Finding a new sense of excitement, Ana sat up with a soft smile on her face. "Then I guess, it's time for me to get ready," she buzzed, playing with her long silver hair between her fingers.

            "That sounds like a smart plan."

            "Will father be joining us to the train?"

            The question made her mother smile although the joy never fully reached her eyes. "No. Your father had some business at the ministry he has to take care of. You understand?"

            Ana always understood. Her father took his job incredibly serious and spent most of his time away from the rest of the family. To be honest, that didn't bother her given that he was far too intense for his own good. Or anyone else's. His absence wasn't the worst thing that could happen today. It wasn't a surprise for him to disappear, but Ana hoped her father would want to say goodbye to her given she would be away until the holidays.

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