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Ivy Potter

Ever since our meet up with the snatchers and Bellatrix a couple days ago Draco was more distant. He wouldn't speak to me as much and in the nights when he thought I was asleep I could hear him sobbing.

And I thought it was just about time I confronted him. I walked outside the tent where Draco was standing guard. "I want to speak to you." I said as I stood with my hands on my hips.

Without even looking at me he replied saying "Later." I rolled my eyes and stood there staring at him. "Cut the act Malfoy!" I spat.

He turned around and faced me. "What is it Ivy?" He asked. "What is your problem!?" I shouted. He had a sneer etched on his face.

"You wanna know what's wrong with me," He started "I wasn't able to save you, I can't stop myself from thinking what would happen if Potter didn't kill that mad bitch." He said as he looked at me.

I walked up to him and stretched to reach his face. I cupped his cheeks as I stared into his eyes. "He saved me okay, so don't go there Draco." I whispered.

He grabbed my waists and kissed me aggressively. "Ivy I... I l-love you I don't want anything to happen to you." He said as he pulled away and hugged me.

A loud squawk broke our moment. We looked up to see a barn owl. "How in the name of Merlin did it manage to pass our wards without frying?" I asked as I stared at it wide eyed.

Taking the other from the owl I realised it was addressed to me. I quickly opened it and saw that it was from Harry.

Dear Ivy,

I really hope you have recovered. Is the mark gone? Are you feeling well?

Anyway I didn't send this letter just to see how you're doing.

Can you make the effort to meet me in Hogsmeade exactly two weeks from now?

Shit is gonna go down. Stay safe.

Love Harry

"Who was it from?" Draco asked as he looked at me. "Harry, he wants to meet in Hogsmeade two weeks from now, he said shit is gonna go down." I said as I looked worriedly at him.

He sucked in a breath at the thought of another battle. "We'll make it through, we always do." He said as he kissed my forehead.

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