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I was sitting on the couch waiting for my food to get here i was watching black lighting then i heard the doorbell ring

you: finally i'm starving

delivery person: that would be $5:50 ma'am

you: ok i'm going to get my wall-

right there i got kidnapped i woke up in a strange place it looked like a basement i was tied to a chair and my arm hurt when i looked at my arm it was bleeding i was in pain until i heard someone from behind me

??: well hello there

you: what do you want from me let me go

??: i'm afraid i can't do that you have something i need

you: and what is that

??: money

you: bruh you serious

??: yes i'm

you: money for what?

??: ok y/n let me tell you something real quick your dad is mason davis he was the mafia boss leader and my dad hated him and he owe my dad money when my dad and your dad was in a shootout against each other they were on opposite teams and your dad made a bet with mine and the bet was to see who gets shot first and you dad got shot first fast forward you owe me money since your dad didn't pay

you: ok how much

??: 100,00,00 billion dollars

you: you got to be lying

??: i'm not

you: where i'm gonna get that money from

??: find a way

you: what if i don't won't to?

??: then you will stay here for the rest of you life

you: guess i'm staying here

??: guess you are

you: but wait how do you know my name

??: i stalked you

you: mhm what's your name

??: trentyn but call me trent

you: ok trent

trent: you can come with me so i can get you arm fixed

you and trent left and he brought you to a doctor 

you: you have a hospital in you mansion

trent: yes

meanwhile you get your arm fixed and ask trent some questions

you: so how you found me

trent: one of my friends followed you and put a tracker on you and then i told one of them to act like their a delivery man

meanwhile after you ask trent questions he tells you this

trent: oh i forgot to tell you you can't leave the house they have cameras everywhere you could go out side tho and one more thing the gate outside is barbed wire so don't try to leave or you will die oh and another the gate outside of the barbed wire is an electric gate so if you somehow get passed the barbed wire you will get shocked

you: um ok thanks i guess

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Mafia Boss a Trentyn Lehman storyWhere stories live. Discover now