Chapter 1: Y/N L/N

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Important Information:
Y/N L/N= Your Name Last Name

H/C= Hair Color

E/C= Eye Color

Y/H= Your Height

Age: 14 (Chapter 1-Chapter 2), 15 (Chapter 3~)

Y/B= Your Birthday

Flashback: 5 Years Ago

It was a dark night. The streets were silent and empty. The only person that was outside at the time was a young boy  with H/C hair who was running away. This was Y/N, the son of one of the most dangerous villains that had ever lived, All for One. All for One had created a crime syndicate over a hundred years ago and it had grown incredibly large. All for One had a quirk that could take the quirks of others for himself and to transfer to others. It was thanks to this ability that All for One was able to find quirks that had allowed him to live for such a long time. However, All for One's reign was brought to a near end when the current number one hero, All Might appeared. All Might was the current wielder of a quirk known as One for All, a quirk that had been transferred from generation to generation since All for One's time as a means to stop him. All Might had destroyed much of the organization that All for One had created. This resulted in the battle that Y/N was currently running from. All for One had made an attempt to kill All Might, so the two of them had begun a fight that would never be seen again. Y/N had taken this chance to run away. He had been kept away from his father's dark side since he was born. He was aware of what his father did, but could not do anything to escape. Y/N's mother had died while giving birth to him and he had no other living relatives from either side of the family to go to. As such, he had no option but to stay with his father. Y/N was kept safe until he reached the age of four. That was when he discovered that he shared the same terrifying quirk as his father. Several of his father's close associates tried to convince him to prepare Y/N to take over the organization. Luckily, All for One had already prepared a successor to rule over his organization, so Y/N was not forced to take part in anything criminal. However, that did not extinguish his hatred for his father and his crimes. As a result, Y/N used the fact that his father was completely distracted as a means to escape his father's grasp. Y/N ran as far as he could when the sounds of fighting suddenly stopped. He stopped running and used a sensory quirk that his father had given him to find out what had happened. He no longer sensed his father's presence. Y/N fell to the ground and began crying. He softly whispered, "I'm free."

Present Day:

Y/N woke up from his sleep with tears in his eyes. He wiped away the tears and sat up. Y/N looked at the window to see that it was already morning. Y/N got out of bed, prepared his breakfast, took a quick bath, put on his middle school uniform, gathered his school supplies, and left the building to head to Aldera Junior High. Y/N had been attending school under the name Y/N L/N and living in abandoned buildings ever since his father had been defeated by All Might. He had used money that All for One had set aside in case the two of them were separated to pay for his daily necessities. Five years had passed and Y/N had still not heard anything from his father or his associates. Not that he was complaining. Y/N hummed as he walked to school.

Y/N was stretching out his limbs as he was leaving the school. He was in the advanced classes, preparing for high school and, eventually, college. Y/N had long ago decided that he would do something meaningful that would help people as a means to redeem what this father had done to so many innocents, such as become a social worker or a doctor. He was still unsure of what he wanted to do, causing him to leave his high school sheet unfilled. Y/N had researched high schools that could help him prepare for either field, but he was still at a crossroads of which path to take. As he thought to himself, he was surprised when something fell into the pond. Y/N looked to see that it was a burnt notebook. Y/N picked it up, "What's this doing here? People really shouldn't litter." Y/N looked inside the notebook and was impressed with the data it held and how organized it was. "Uh, excuse me." Y/N turned to see a male with curly green hair. The boy said, "Uh, that's mine. Sorry."  Y/N said, "Oh, really. Here you go. It's really cool how you managed to gather all that data about heroes. What's your name?" The boy said, "Uh, Izuku Midoriya." Y/N smiled softly as he returned the notebook, "Well, good luck with whatever it is your planning to do with the notebook Midoriya. Unless it's selling hero's weaknesses to villains. Well, bye." Y/N waved bye as he went back to his hideout. 

Y/N was walking around random streets as a means to lose any possible tails that were following him. He was extremely cautious when it came to hiding his current location. He was about to head back to his hideout when he saw Midoriya talking to an ash blond boy around their age. The ash blond stomped away angrily. After that, Midoriya turned to head home when suddenly All Might appeared. Y/N nearly gasped before he covered his mouth and hid. He had not been so close to All Might since five years ago. Y/N hid because he was unsure if All Might knew about his existence and his connection to All for One. The boy was about to run when he heard All Might ask Midoriya to be his successor and Midoriya agreed. Y/N froze in pure terror, 'The next successor is going to go to my school! Ah, this is the worst possibility.' y/N panicked for a minute before calming down, 'Wait, there's no way All Might will tell him about All for One while his still training Midoriya, so I just have to hope that they don't know about me or that at least I don't come up until graduation. That way, I can just go back into hiding.' Y/N was pleased with his plan and headed home.

A/N: Thank you for reading this story. I will be holding a vote for whom the love interest shall be for this story. If you have a preference, please vote below in the character's respective category.

Male Love Interest

Female Love Interest

Various Love Interest (Simply vote for this if you would like various love interests. If this option receives the most votes, then I shall ask which characters should be included.)

I will announce the end of voting in a later chapter.

Thank you once again.

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