chapter 37

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Harry closed my bedroom door as I quickly made my way over to the other side of the dark space. My fingers felt round for the switch to my fairy lights. Once found the room was engulfed in a soft pink. I turned to face Harry who had removed his keys, phone and wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. The depths of his stunning eyes stared at me as I fiddled with my hands, shuffling on my feet.
I knew my nervousness was clear, receiving a small smile from Harry.
“Come here.”
His long fingers extended to me, my feet moving toward him to accept the gesture. I swallowed down my anxiety, biting on my lower lip. Harry’s left arm slid round my back, gently enticing me closer.
“You’re safe. I’ll keep you safe.” He whispered.
And I believed him. I knew Harry would stop at nothing to protect me. It was difficult to describe to anyone how our relationship had begun. But more so how it had developed. I could trust Harry with practically anything. Is this what it felt like to be in love? To be so engulfed in someone, to want to give them everything.
Harry had already given me his heart.
An innocent kiss was exchanged between us. Pulling apart, but still our lips continued to brush. Our foreheads pressed together as I carefully felt down his stomach. My hands trembled as I caught hold of the bottom of his top. The t shirt was peeled from Harry’s long torso, frowning slightly as the injuries he had sustained from the fight came into view. But despite the imperfections he still looked breathtakingly beautiful. His tanned skin was smooth as I traced over the defined lines on his stomach.
“You must be an angel.” I whispered, peering up to Harry’s face.
His stunning features illuminated in the glow of my fairy lights. Dark curls, dimples, beautiful smile, astonishing green eyes and full, pouted lips. He looked like no other guy I had ever seen.
“I’m no angel, Baby.” His words holding a hint of hurt, eyes falling down to where I gripped his hand.
I knew he had taken part in some questionable activities and I still wasn’t sure if he would ever be free of the darkness that possessed him. But I didn’t want him to change for me.
“Well, I think you are.”
I raised his hand to my mouth, leaving delicate kisses to the knuckles.
“Why?” He asked confused.
“How can someone look as breath taking as you and not be an angel.” I spoke quietly. “That’s the only explanation I can think of.” I smiled.
He quietly laughed off the comment before kissing me on the end of my nose. My fingers trailed over his strong shoulders and down his toned arms, lightly squeezing at the muscle. I still couldn’t believe he had won the fight. Still amazed by the skill he had displayed in the boxing ring. But my mood quickly drained, mind darting to the cause of his violent come back.
“What did he say?” My voice soft as I looked up to Harry.
I didn’t need to speak the name. Harry knew. His posture stiffened, eyes pinning me to the spot. My fingers found his, attempting to comfort him. His body seemed to relax slightly with my touch.
“You really want to know?” His tone was a little harsh.
Did I want to know? The unknown information had been playing on my mind since I had witnessed him turn on Scott in the ring. My desire to discover the trigger to Harry’s rage outweighed the sensible part of me, the part telling me to just drop the subject.
He drew me in closer, ringlets tickling at my skin as he bowed his head.
“I’ll spare you the details.” He spoke in disgust. Green eyes intently locking on mine. “He said he’d take you away from me.” Harry’s rate of breathing had increased.
Fear commandeered my body, my fingers tightening with his words. I knew he could tell I was frightened, my presence moving closer into Harry.
“I’d never let anyone do that. I’ll kill him if he tries... No one is taking you away.” The depth in his voice caused my body to shiver.
Take me away? What did that mean? Scott threatened to kill me? Harry held me to his bare chest, the trembling panic being absorbed into his body. I felt safe in his strong arms. But the swirling mess in my mind still remained. Harry wouldn’t let that happen. He would keep me safe. He had told me numerous times.
My arms clung round his waist. I’m not sure how long we stood and held each other but Harry’s embrace gradually calmed me down. His raspy voice quietly reassuring me, comforting me. Kisses were left on my cheek, trying to entice a smile.
“You alright?” Harry whispered.
I lightly nodded as he squeezed me.
“Good…now let me make love to you.”
The earlier events of the night left forgotten as I shyly smiled at the beautiful boy in front of me. How quickly he could turn a situation around. I took a step back out of his hold. Blazing green eyes never left me as I crossed my arms over my stomach, fingertips finding the hem of my top. My bottom lip was taken harshly between my teeth as I raised the material up. My vision obscured as I struggled to remove the clothing in my nervous state. I heard a deep laugh before large warm hands rested over my own, helping to rid me of the material barrier. Once off, I dropped it to the floor.
The blush on my cheeks seemed to heat my entirety. I stood in my bra and jeans. Both of us topless as Harry closed the distance. Soft, full lips were instantly on mine, tongue forcing its way into my mouth. I didn’t resist, my body surrendering itself to him. Harry could have everything I was able to give and more. I was his.
My hands gripped the back of his neck. Heart thumping against my chest as I felt his long fingers fumble with the button on my jeans. I gasped into his mouth as he tugged the zip down.
“Shh.” Harry comforted. “It’s alright, Baby.”
His whispered words had a calming effect, even though my breath was still trembling from my parted lips. He let out a laugh as I leaned up for another kiss, our noses bumping. But I stood frozen as fingers were hooked into my jeans, pulling them down over the curve of my backside. My touch was urgently over his naked chest, brushing over the marks that his opponent had inflicted during the fight. My thumb absentmindedly skimmed his right nipple. The throaty groan released took me a little by surprise. I repeated the action before dipping my head.
“Bo.” Harry’s breathless voice sounded.
My lips kissed the sensitive nub, sucking and licking. I was forced to lose contact as my jeans were eased down round my ankles. Harry taking my hands and guiding me out of the clothing. He caught me as I stumbled into him. But his grip released as he left me standing on my own. The length of my hair fell forward over my shoulders, concealing my black bra.
“Holy shit.” Harry spoke.
His lustful eyes trailed from my head to my feet. He took his time, lovingly absorbing the curves of my body. I had never been one to tan very well in the sun and next to Harry I looked paler than ever. But with him, I had never felt more beautiful. I watched his heart-fluttering smile appear as I nervously wriggled my toes.
“Nice colour.” He complimented the sparkly navy nail varnish.
“Thanks.” I whispered, shyly.
I yearned to feel his warmth. I couldn’t wait any longer, I initiated the contact. The large span of Harry’s palms all over my body as he touched and caressed the soft skin. He smiled into the kiss as I trailed up his back to a place where I knew he loved to be touched. Fingers instantly winding into the ringlets adorning his head.
“You’re so beautiful.” He mumbled.
I gasped, one hand remaining tangled in Harry’s curls, the other gripping the back of his neck as he walked me backwards. Our bare feet touching as we stopped at the bottom of my bed. The heated kiss was broken. I had lost count of the number of times Harry had swept me off my feet. But on every occasion the gesture caused my face to erupt into a smile; a small giggle escaping.
My hair fanned out around me as Harry laid me back on the duvet. His gaze was almost in awe. Eyes never leaving my body.
“Harry.” I breathily whispered.
I reached out to him, trying to get him to move closer. He complied, kneeling in between my bent legs as he brought my hand up to his mouth. Pink lips left small kisses to the skin. His large hand brushing against the bracelets decorating my wrist as his touch slid up my forearm then back down to my hand. I intently watched as fingers began to carefully remove the jewellery. His eyes locked on my face as one by one the bracelets were taken from me. My arm was turned over, Harry leaning in to press his warm mouth to the underside of my naked wrist.
I still laid on my back as Harry continued his delicate touches. My heart thumping as he hovered over me, a small smile on his face as his thumb brushed over my neck before moving higher to my ear. The silver hoop was removed from my lobe, his actions repeating as his touch shifted the other side of my head.
Our eyes met as he knelt taller. My right leg was lifted. I whimpered as Harry’s warm hands ran down my thigh, knee, calf. All the while leaving wet kisses to the smooth skin.
“So soft.” He mumbled.
My foot pressed flat to his chest. I watched a he unclasped the ankle bracelet, placing it to the side where the rest of my jewellery lay. I couldn’t help but laugh as Harry brought my leg up higher before sucking on one of my toes. The sensation tickling. He grinned at me, dimples popping in his cheeks.
“Harry.” I giggled, trying to get him to stop.
When he had finished the only jewellery that was left was Harry’s pendant. The paper plane resting safely on my chest. He played with the chain before leaning down to me, lips travelling to my ear.
“We’ll keep this one on.” His raspy voice whispered.
I nodded in agreement. I hadn’t taken it off since he had given it to me, it never left my sight.
Hands skimmed down my body, cupping my breasts and gently squeezing them. Tingles of pleasure burst across my skin in goose bumps. He knew exactly what effect he had on me and he was taking full advantage. My head rolled to the side, chest rising and falling rapidly under Harry’s intimate touch.
“No, look at me.” He instructed.
My eyes flickered open as I met his intense gaze, fingers trailing over my stomach. Every tiny touch seemed to be magnified. Harry’s presence all-encompassing, overwhelming me. Harry had moved further down the bed, kissing at my sensitive skin as he went. His movements were so hot, seductive. If I wasn’t laid down, there was a strong possibility I would have fallen in a heap to the floor. My mind snapped back when I felt his touch on my underwear.
“You know I love these.” He fiddled with the lace. “I want to take them off…but not yet.” Harry added with a wink.
Before I had a chance to regain my breath he dipped his head. Hands trapped my ankles, pinning my feet to the bed, knees bent. His open mouth placed over the front of my underwear. Hot breath seeping through the thin material as he purposefully puffed out.
“Shit.” I swore.
My trembling body brought a satisfied smile to his face, unable to move my legs and at his mercy. His chuckle could be heard and felt as he nipped at the skin of the inside of my thighs. An ankle was released, index hooking my knickers to the side. My hips shifted as his tongue delved into me. I wasn’t in any way prepared for his actions. But I knew Harry took pleasure in my writhing state. Lips and tongue working together to have me whimpering his name. My lower half lifted from the mattress slightly, desperate for more contact. His rumbling laugh vibrated against me, tongue zigzagging down the length of my aching core. My hands desperately fisted the duvet round me, clinging onto anything I could as Harry continued his heated torture. My chest constricted, breath hitching as his mouth closed down around my clit, sucking on the small nub.
Harry rose up a little for air, grinning.
“Does that feel good?”
I nodded, incapable of speech. My eyes fell closed, hand blindly traveling down to search for the soft curls on Harry’s head to tangle between my fingers. I jolted when his nose brushed my clitoris.
“You have no idea how amazing you taste.” He mumbled against me.
His bold words stimulated me further, intensifying my already heightened arousal. I knew I wouldn’t be able to delay my orgasm for much longer, the tingles signifying its imminent onset, bursting through my body. Something that was becoming increasingly apparent to Harry as I attempted to clamp my thighs round his head. His hot tongue flicked the sensitive nerve endings twice more before parting my legs and pulling away.
“Not yet, Baby.” His tone seductively alluring.
I felt like I couldn’t move, my limbs limp as Harry shifted. He laid back on the pillows, hands holding me by my hips to easily take me with him. My back pressed to his bare chest as he bent his knees, my body sprawled on top of Harry’s. I was still a little cautious of his injuries, but the wounds didn’t seem to faze Harry at all. He gently drew my hair over to one side, the length cascading down my front. My breasts were gently palmed before one of the large hands was raised up.
“Suck.” Harry’s raspy voice rumbled beneath me.
I took the extended finger into the warmth of my mouth. Moans could be heard as I swirled my tongue round, lubricating the length. My lips pursed as Harry drew it out.
“Good girl.”
There was no time wasted in slipping long fingers into the front of my underwear. I cried out as his index nudged into me, my feet pressing to his jean clad thighs. A strong arm held me to him as I wiggled with his relentless actions. My hand tightly gipped his straining bicep as he continued to pump a finger into me. His chest vibrated in a moan beneath me as I ground my backside into his crotch.
“H-Harry, please.”
I attempted to roll off him but he wouldn’t let me, his arm tightening.
“No, don’t. Bo, stay with me.” He breathily told me.
My head fell back to his shoulder in defeat, but his touch still caused me to writhe on top of him. Harry groaned with the friction I was creating against his crotch. An increasingly prominent bulge pressing into me. The thump of his heart could be felt on my back. I had never experienced anything like this before.
“I’m gunna try two.” He quietly informed me.
I didn’t reply, unable to. My muscles clenched as he attempted to enter me again.
“Bo, you need to relax.”
Eyes squeezed closed as a second finger was sunk into me. My excitement made it a little easier for Harry to move within my tight warmth. The new sensation was uncomfortable, stretching as Harry deepened the pumping action. He was gentle, not wanting to force it. I couldn’t control the whimpers leaving my lips. My heels dug into his thighs as the pace gradually increased.
“You’re so tight.” He strained.
Harry’s free hand caught hold of mine, gratefully accepting the comforting gesture. My mouth fell agape as he kept his fingers stationary inside me, ceasing to pump them. Instead he struggled to swirl them round. I heard him swear beneath me as my walls involuntarily clenched round his intrusion. Harry’s gentle strokes left my mind in a mess, long fingers caressing me from the inside. When he curled them round I cried out. His tips meeting a point I never knew existed. The pleasure I felt was far beyond anything I could imagine.
“H-Harry. I want to kiss you.” I begged.
I hated not seeing his face. I wanted to watch him, take in his every detail. Air was sharply inhaled as Harry carefully drew his fingers from me. His arm released from my waist allowing me to roll off him to the side. I felt exhausted, breath coming in pants. My head lazily turned to the stunning guy who had brought me close to orgasm twice in an unbelievably short period of time.
My eyes were wide as I witnessed Harry raise his fingers to his mouth, eyes closing as he took them beyond his pink lips. Long eyelashes fluttered before his head turned to face me, desperately sucking. When they were reluctantly pulled from his mouth, Harry’s tongue glided out, seductively licking round his swollen lips as he hummed in appreciation. His sparkling green eyes continued to stare at me, unbuckling his belt. The button was soon popped open, zip pulled down.
“Are you going to help me?” He playfully asked.
I swept the hair back from my face, finding my strength and crawling over. I kissed his cheek before gripping the top of his jeans. His hips were raised allowing me to tug the denim down his long legs. I giggled, struggling to remove the material as Harry wriggled before successfully throwing the clothing to the floor.
Dimples popped either side of his smile as I gazed at Harry. The beautiful guy laid out on my sheets. He was mine. My fighter, my protector, my angel.
“I’m getting lonely over here.” Harry playfully pouted. “Are you going to come and join me?” His eyes glittered in amusement.
A deep raspy laugh echoed round the room as an uncontrollable smile broke across my face. My body was quickly on top of Harry’s. We met in a teasing kiss, my teeth lightly tugging at his lower lip. My touch was all over him, gliding over his strong chest which rose and fell at an increasing rate beneath me. I barely felt Harry’s fingers trail up my back, my posture stiffening as the bra clasp was fumbled open. My body pulled away from him slightly. He smoothly slid the straps from my shoulders, my mouth beginning to dry. I still straddled his lap as Harry shifted to sit up. The pretty black lace fell away from my trembling form.
Green eyes held mine. Large hands were placed round my back, encouraging me closer. My lashes fluttered as our bare chests came into contact. Breasts firmly pressed to the hardness of Harry’s torso. His head rolled back, a satisfied sigh puffed out. The cool silver of his chain trapped between our now clammy bodies.
His skin was warm; I loved being wrapped in his strong arms. I took advantage of his weakened state, placing soft kisses down his exposed neck. Harry’s heady scent overwhelmed my senses, nuzzling my face into his crook. I never wanted him to let me go. My lips trailed along his defined jaw, placing my hands on his shoulders as I gently encouraged him to lie down. Harry complied, holding me tightly. I smiled as he sweetly rubbed our noses together before pecking me on the mouth. Fingers brushed back the curls that had fallen over his forehead.
“I’m yours.” I barely whispered.
Harry’s lips parted with my words, eyes squeezing closed as he absorbed the depth.
“I’m going to show you how much I care for you.”
I was rolled over, my entirety at Harry’s mercy. My blue eyes intently watched as he dipped his head, ringlets tickling at my skin. I inhaled sharply as warm lips pressed delicate kisses to the scar on my left breast. He knew I still wasn’t completely comfortable with any sort of contact with the horrendous reminder. But Harry was also aware he was the only one ever to touch me. I trusted him.
My knickers were carefully tugged down my legs, all the while Harry left no part of my skin untouched by his lips; showering my body in intimate affection. I was completely bare. The reality of the situation only just sinking in. The beautiful boy I had feared not too long ago slowly making his way up my naked body. One of his thighs rested between mine, his prominent bulge becoming increasing apparent as he ground his hips gently. I hadn’t noticed my lack of sight until Harry kissed the corner of my right eye.
“Let me see those pretty blue eyes.” He whispered.
My vision flickered as Harry came back into focus. Dimples were set into his cheeks, a small smile playing on his full lips. My hands seemed tiny in comparison to his as he guided them to the band of his boxers. I knew what he wanted me to do. My touch was shaky; struggling to remove the last piece of clothing between us. The tight, black fabric was soft against my fingertips. Harry’s erection desperately straining with the limiting confines of his boxers. As I peeled back the material I couldn’t help but remember how he tasted, the length thick and heavy as Harry aided in the removal of the underwear.
My small hand grasped him gently, Harry groaning as he leant over to the bedside table where he had placed the items from his back pocket. I began to pump as he retrieved a silver, square packet from his wallet. I noticed the pink head of his heavy length was almost the same colour as his lips. The observation made me blush. He grinned, a heavy kiss left to my mouth before abruptly rolling off me. I watched as his teeth ripped at the silver; Harry’s fingers routinely carried out the actions. Rolling the condom down his stiff length and discarding the foil to the side.
He was soon on top of me once again. Palms spread either side of my head before he lowered down. We inhaled each other’s warm breath, my heart beating wildly in my chest.
“You ready?” Harry asked, eyes intently searching mine for any doubt. But he found none.
I nodded, not trusting my voice. My focus was fixed on Harry’s face as his hand traveled down between us. His eyes were hooded, ringlets falling down round his stunning features as he brushed his tip over me a few times. Muscles tensed as I felt Harry cautiously press into me. I winced, forcing him to attempt a second time. Our fingers quickly became entwined to the side of my head. Whimpers fell from my parted lips, Harry pushing in a little further. The sensation was something I had never felt before, unpleasant in a strange way.
“If I could feel it for you, I would.” His voice strained.
I squeezed his fingers in reassurance, trying not to let my obvious displeasure bubble through to my emotions. Harry was filling me to my extremes.
“I’d take the pain away, Baby. For you, Bo.”
And I didn’t for one second doubt his words. He had proven time and time again of the lengths he would go to secure my safety. This was no different. But I had a feeling Harry wasn’t just addressing the current situation; he meant all the hurt I had ever felt. My watery eyes explored the bruises across his tanned skin.
I cried out in pain as Harry gently rolled his hips forward, pressing all the way in. He held the position as I whimpered beneath him. I looked up to find his green eyes full of guilt. Harry hated the thought of hurting me. His bottom lip was brought between his teeth. Dark curls hung round his beautiful face. Small tears brimmed over my eyes, rolling down my cheeks.
“Don’t cry, Beautiful.”
Harry’s lips kissed away the salty drops. I had never desired to be as close to someone as I did Harry. My arms clung to him as he adjusted slightly, the uncomfortable feeling intensifying as I quietly sobbed.
“I know, I know, Baby.” Harry desperately spoke, leaving kisses to my cheeks in hopes of distracting me.
Harry’s naked body seemed to enclose round me, protectively shielding me. His larger frame blocking out the world surrounding us as he engulfed me. I swallowed hard as his face appeared above mine again; Harry’s lips softly pouting as he hushed me. I needed to feel him.
“Do it again.” I whispered.
“No.” His raspy voice strained in protest.
His mouth fell open as he stared down at me. Our breathing was heavy, bare chests rising up and down rapidly. Harry’s face nudged into the crook of my neck; plump lips leaving kisses to the warm skin. His hips unmoving as he stayed buried inside me.
“Please.” I quietly begged.
Dark curls tickled my skin as he shook his head. I knew he didn’t want to cause me pain, but I couldn’t stay still for much longer. My lower half rose off the mattress slightly, desperately trying to get him to move. I felt the low moan vibrate though his chest. A gasp fell from my lips as one of his large hands pressed to my hip, restraining my movement.
“Stop.” He spoke desperately.
His pants grew louder, struggling to deny me.
“Harry…I want to feel you.”
He shifted his head, our noses brushing. Warm air puffed out over my face. The intensity in his fearful eyes took my breath away.
“I need you.” I whispered.
The hand on my hip was removed, it traveled up, fingers entwining. Harry’s forehead rested on my own, gently squeezing my hand as he slowly drew out. My skin tingled with the sensation before he gradually rolled his hips forward again. The discomfort had lessened but the slight numb aching was still there. We didn’t kiss but our lips continually brushed.
“I’m sorry.” Harry spoke against my mouth.
Harry’s head dropped down to my chest. His lips left wet kisses across my collar bones. I felt his mouth gently suck at the skin as he withdrew from me. My free hand gripped the back of his neck, my fingers tangling into the curls. Teeth grazed the valley between my breasts as he brought the paper plane pendant between his lips. I smiled, realising it was the only object I was currently wearing. A throaty groan was emitted from Harry as he rocked back into me. I harshly bit down on my lip to stop from crying out. His face came back to mine, green eyes locking with my blue ones. He willingly allowed me to pull him down. The cold silver of the pendant pressed between our swollen lips.
I bit down onto the chain, Harry’s heated gaze seeming to warm my entire body. His hips still continued to move gently but the pace became a little faster. I struggled to balance my breathing, the limited air I was drawing in, unable to satisfy my needs.
“Bo, y-you’re so tight.” He stuttered.
My fingers were released, Harry’s large hand gripping the headboard above me. The muscles in his arm continually tensed as his hips met mine. The chain fell from my lips. His heavy breathing puffed out, eyes screwed closed. When he opened them, the darkness they displayed struck me with fear. The sparkling green replaced with black. I had only ever witnessed him look at me like that once before, staring straight through me. A sob escaped my lips as Harry gave me a particularly painful thrust. My nails racked down his glistening, naked back. He lowly moaned in response, catching hold of my hip. His fingertips deeply pressed into my skin, holding me in place as he continued to rock into me. There was no kissing, nothing intimate about the situation. Is this what the other girls had experienced? With another heavy thrust it became obvious to me. Harry wasn’t used to being gentle. He would shut himself off from any feelings connected with sex. It had never been anything more than just a shag to him.
“Harry.” I urgently gushed.
Tears spilled over my cheeks once again. I wanted to kiss him; discover the playful, caring guy I was falling for. My fingers desperately brushed over his face, hastily trying to capture his attention.
“P-Please.” My voice cried.
My touch caused him to shake his curls, eyes squeezing closed, his pace instantly began to slow. I tugged him down by his neck, forehead pressing to mine. Harry’s movements became less forceful, the sparkling green of his eyes gradually returning as he stared at me. The transformation was astonishing and it made me wonder if the beautiful boy above me had any idea of what had just happened. Relief flooded me…I thought I’d lost him.
“Bo.” He whispered.
His lips feverously covering mine in a passionate kiss before dotting small pecks all over my face. Harry let go of the headboard, releasing my hip and resting his weight onto his forearms. It was so hot, perspiration trickling from his damp ringlets, down his neck as he concealed me with his naked body.
His movement varied from small, quick thrusts to slow, torturous ones. My mouth parted, struggling to breath as his paced decreased again. The feeling was so intense, so overwhelming. But nothing like it had been a few minutes ago. That was rough, painful. Harry’s breathing was heavy, his eyes on my face the whole time. Intently observing me, attempting to see how I reacted to different speeds.
“You like it slow?” He whispered in confirmation.
I wearily nodded, his actions leaving me speechless. He was making love to me. Slow and romantic. I couldn’t concentrate on anything but Harry. It still felt uncomfortable, but it was bearable. My fingers trailed down his back, he smiled, lightly moaning. His strong body arching into me as I repeated the actions with my nails.
“Shit.” He throatily groaned.
My head was encouraged to the side, Harry nuzzling into the crook. Small, soft sounds escaped from my lips as he lightly bit at the sensitive skin. I let out a strained giggle, his nose nudging against my cheek as he quietly whimpered, attempting to get my attention. The second I turned my head, Harry’s swollen lips were pressed urgently to mine. The kiss was sweet and playful, a side of Harry that I had only seen, no-one else. His hips still continued to meet mine, the air around increasing in temperature.
“Does it still hurt?” He mumbled.
His question took me a little by surprise and there was no point in lying about the answer. Green eyes attentively explored mine as he waited for my reply. Harry received my small nod. Drawing back, his expression was one of pain as he absorbed my revelation. His eyebrows creased into a frown.
Harry’s strong body shifted above me, a large hand skimming across my stomach and down to where we connected. My eyes widened in panic. I hastily gripped his wrist. Concern flashed over his face.
“I can’t.” I desperately told him.
“But I want to make you feel good.” Harry spoke, curls tickling my forehead.
My fingers entwined with his, urging his hand away.
“P-Please don’t, it’s too much.” I whispered.
The look in his beautiful eyes made me believe he was desperately begging for my forgiveness. But my words were misunderstood, Harry thinking I wanted to stop completely. When he moved to gently pull out from me I caught his hip.
“No..I want to feel you.”
I knew he was aware of what I was asking. But he still seemed apprehensive to comply.
“Please.” I weakly smiled.
Leaning up, my lips pressed to his, fingers finding his now damp curls. Harry deeply hummed into the kiss. His steady pace continued to rock against me. Hot breath emitted into the small space between our mouths, profanities tumbling from the angel-like figure above me. Harry was fighting to hold on, but seconds later large hands slid beneath me. I gasped, my torso lifting from the mattress as Harry held me tightly in his arms. My head rolled back as he gave me a few quick thrusts. I wrapped myself around his body.
“Fuck…Bo.” Harry moaned.
My breath seemed to hitch in my throat as I felt Harry twitch inside me, releasing his warmth into the condom. Our chests were tightly pressed together, the thump of our hearts beating just as furiously as one another’s. Kisses were pressed down his neck, a prominent vein protruding as Harry rode out his orgasm.
I was carefully laid back on the pillows, my body feeling sore, completely exhausted as I sprawled out on the duvet. Harry sweetly kissed my lips before collapsing on top of me.

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