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Ji Hayeon

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Ji Hayeon.

"I- uh uhm hi!" I said nervously "Oh hey, what's up?" Jeno replied.

"Uhmm the thing is...come with me." I pulled him by the wrist to a quiet place where there aren't lots of people.

"What's wrong?" Jeno asked once again.

"Urgh, how do I say this?"

"The thing is, I like you and I don't know how to say this." I bravely said and puffed out.

He was confused at what he had heard "You mean-"

"Yes, I like you 'more' than just friends." I gulped for what's coming.

"I-I..." Jeno stuttered.

"Yes I've liked you since fre-" I was cut off by him pinning me to the wall and smacked his soft lips onto mine which I also responded.

Even if it was for a moment, it was okay. We looked into each other's eyes


"Hayeon-ah, I 'liked' you too and..."

(Author's note) Is this the end tho? Lol

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