Chapter 6 (Un-edited)

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A/N: Hi so should I switch to using Y/N instead of Lola? Maybe I shouldn't cause I'm already this far even though like I barley have anyone reading this so it probs doesn't matter but idk.

Lola's POV:

I was literally pacing back and forth in the living room, what the hell should I say?? "Hey Finn why the fuck did you kiss me then leave" "Hey Finn did you kiss me as a dare and should I be embarassed" "Hey Finn do you actually like me or should I go cry in a deep dark pit of sadness"

Maybe I'll go with something a tiny bit more simple, you know what, I'll wing it, I mean I'm great at coming up with words on the fly! (That is a complete lie)

Finn's POV:

I was sitting in the back of the car on my way back to the house, there was no music playing in this car which feels so wrong, usually I prefer to have music playing all the time, I mean, it helps calm my anxiety. I made sure to tell the driver to drive as slow as possible because I have absolutely zero idea of what I am going to say to her... *Ring Ring* 

-Incoming call- From | Jack Dylan Grazer |

I saw Jack's name and suddenly remembered... I'm supposed to be having dinner with the IT cast tonight.... shit.... 

I answered the phone

F: 'Hey! What's up!' that sounded calm and like I'm not freaking out, right?

J:"Hey! I'm great but you sound weird, you good?"


F:'Oh no yeah I am great but actually um I was wondering if I could bring a plus one to dinner tonight'

J: 'Depends, who is it'

F: 'Wowwww ok detective Grazer, she's a girl, her name is Lola and I think I like her but I'm not sure if she likes me back and we were supposed to hangout tonight and I'll seem like a complete duche bag if I cancel.'

J:'Well in that case.... no of course you can't bring her'


J:'....Obviously because we all know I'm your husband and I cannot have another girl in the picture!"

Oh my god he was joking I-


He cut me off,

J:'The tavern, 8:00, the full cast will be there so I hope she's a people person"

He hung up.

Lola's POV:

-Incoming call- | Finnie boy |

Ok shit act normal

L: "Hey Finn what's popin"  What the fuck did I just say

F: "Oh... um ok... well basically I totally forgot that I was supposed to be having dinner with the IT cast tonight BUT you can still come with me if you want!"

Oh god... of course I want to meet his friends but now I can't fucking tell him that I'm in love with him! Oh shit did I just say that-

F:"Lola? Are you still there?"

L: "Oh yeah I'd love to go, where and what time?"

F:"The Tavern...8:00... yk I can pick you up if you want me to"

L:"Oh yeah! That sounds great, see you later"

I hang up... well this isn't what I had planned but I guess I just have to get ready and go with the flow.

I looked up the resturant and it looked pretty nice so this is what I wore (yes it is Emma Chamberlain if you don't like it you can choose something else)

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I looked up the resturant and it looked pretty nice so this is what I wore (yes it is Emma Chamberlain if you don't like it you can choose something else)

I waited... and waited... and waited... OMG WHAT IS THIS GUY DOING? sorry it's just I feel like I've been waiting here forever, he must've stopped somehwere or something I-


A beautiful limo pulls up in front of the house and when I tell you my jaw DROPPED at what I saw after...


That was kinda a cliffhanger but not a very good one, anyways I feel like this book kinda sucks ass and I have a ton of ideas for like Miles Fairchild or Boris stories but I'm gonna keep working on this cause I'm bored

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