Chapter Two

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Just like seasons, I came and went, changing from house to house, family to family, experience to experience. This family would have to find a way to keep me stable and adapt to the changes, like how trees adapt to the coming seasons. It was April and the flowers were blooming, as well as the trees. Pollen was in the air and the smell of rain lingered on the grass. I took a deep breath in and held it. "Ruby, we can get your things later," Andrea said as I exhaled and nodded. I walked around the front of the car, hoping I didn't look peculiar in any way. Mrs. Lee was smiling like the Cheshire Cat and her eye sunk into her cheeks. She and Mr. Lee took a step forward from their previous children to welcome a new one, me.

"Judy. Hugh. This is Rub-," Andrea began but was cut off by eager Mrs. Lee's hug. I did a half-smile and held out my hand, which she rejected by giving me a breathtaking hug. She was an extremely strong hugger for her size (she was shorter than me and I was considered short). I hugged her back lightly, with no power. After she retreated from the hug, her eyes were in tears. "Sorry I made you cry," I said monotony. The eldest son laughed at my humor and punched his younger brother. "Ouch. What the heck," he whispered after being bashed in the arm. Meeting a new family had never gone like this before, usually, it was more like an interview in a hole in the wall restaurant, then off we went to the "approved and safe home."

Mr. Lee approached me on the sidewalk and held out his hand. His right hand was out to receive a handshake and his other hand was gripping his wrist. I held out my hand and shook his hand firmly, I regained my strength again. "Wow, you have a strong handshake for a female," he said shaking his hand to the side and grinning. I didn't take this comment lightly. "Actually I think men and women have equal power when it comes to anything. It just depends on how determined they are." He raised his eyebrows and made a surprised yet agreeable face. The youngest son thrust a fist in the air saying, "Yes! Another feminist in the house!" I smiled and he walked up to me with his hand still in the air, but he wanted a high five. We slapped hands and he giggled.

"I'm River, by the way. I'm the cool brother, sorta said. I love your hair, it's kinda wavy, and did you put highlights in it, or is that natural," River asked intensified in my answer. He was the size of his mother and his voice was higher than normal for a boy his age. I had a suspicion that he was gay by the way his pitch was and the way he acted, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Natural," I replied by touching my hair. It was still brown but had some streaks of light and dark brown in it. Sometimes I would see red on sunny days. I felt connected to my birth mother through my hair for some reason. The eldest son joined the group. "Hey, I'm Jaeson. All you have to know is that I'm a nerd and love video games." Jaeson's voice was slightly monotone and his glasses had tape on the arm to keep the glasses from falling apart. He was Andrea's height, who was in flats. "I'm a big nerd too," I replied. Why am I answering almost everything so dully? Except for that shot back to Mr. Lee.

"Okay, but are you like a comic book and book nerd or a movie nerd," Jaeson said in a challenging voice. He grinned slightly implying that he got me in his snare like a rabbit hopping through the woods.

"Yes. Both. I have spent a lot of my life traveling and waiting so I've seen or read it all. Or at least most," the challenge was completed. Jaeson's mouth was open in astonishment and nodded. His eyes took me up and down and nodded again.

"Come inside Andrea and Rudy. We are so excited to have you here. Finally another girl in the house, hehe," Mrs. Lee said giggling.

"Her name is Ruby. R-U-B-Y," Andrea spelled it out.

"Oh, sorry Ruby. We can talk at the dinner table. Then we can give you a house tour and a town tour if you want."

We walked up the porch steps and River opened the door. Everyone entered before me, and I took a deep breath in and blew it out. I walked into the house to reveal a staircase that went up and turned left and continued up. Along the staircase wall were pictures of the family. To the left of the door was a huge wooden table where everyone sat. To the right was the family room with a couch and a side cushioned chair with a TV in the corner of the room. Light from the windows next to the front door filled to room. "Ruby, would you like to sit down?" Mr. Lee offered. I sat down next to Andrea. We sat with our faces to the window and Mrs. and Mr. Lee sat in front of us. River sat at the end of the table to the left of me and Jaeson to the right. Andrea sat down the folder with my information in it, I dreaded this part of spilling my guts. It always portrayed me as a bad person, an insect lost in the wind of a storm. It also made me seem selfish and above all reckless. "River and Jaeson how about you guys tell a little bit about yourself to Ruby. Then leave us to talk," Mr. Lee said in his attorney's voice and hand gestures.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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