yakko x adhd!toon!reader

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(not a request, adhd!reader cause I have adhd myself abdhdhs, also i'm sorry this is terrible 😁😁)

Things had been utter chaos ever since you met the Warner siblings. With Yakko's constant flirting, Wakko's constant eating, and Dot... being Dot, things were crazy. But it was nice. In a sense. Your life was never boring, it was always filled with wunky adventures and hilarious scenes. But even as your toon self, things can get overwhelming sometimes. For example, right now.


Noises of clashing and chaos surrounded you. The Warner siblings were running in what seemed to be every direction. Screams followed them as they continued to rampage around the lot, disrupting other toons and random bystanders. You were sitting up in the ladder of the water tower, sitting on one of the steps and watching the sibling scatter around. Even with all the ruckus and destruction, you finally got some alone time. You swung your feet a bit, hanging onto the side poles of the ladder. Looking down at the ground oh-so far away, you mingled your body out of the ladder and climbed up. You opened the 'door' and went inside, looking around and stretching a bit. You went over to the couch and hopped on it then fell into a deep sleep. 

"(y/nnnnnn)...... (Y/N!)" 
Mumbling as your eyes fluttered open, you were met with Wakko and Dot standing in front of the couch.

"Finally! You're awake!" Dot said smiling, but a frown was plastered on Wakko's face. 

You looked at the second oldest Warner and cocked an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"I'm hungryyyyyy. What's for lunch?!" At the thought of food their face brightened into a wide smile. 

Groaning, you stood up and patted down your clothing. "Let's see what we have." And with that the three of you went to the kitchen.

After making some BLT's you noticed something was missing. You looked around the room, and then it hit you. 

"Where's Yakko?" You asked, then took another bite of the sandwich. 

Wakko ;who had just swallowed an entire sandwich whole; shrugged and took another from the plate. Dot thought for a moment, but nothing came to her mind. You groaned. He was the oldest Warner, that was true, but you always went and tracked him down before he got into more trouble. You... cared about him.

Once you finished your sandwich and made some more for Wakko, you left the tower and climbed down. You just strolled around the lot, asking the others if they had seen the flirty toon. Sadly, no one knew where he was. With no clues, or any idea of where he could be, you were stumped. Sighing as you tapped your foot and rubbed your chin it came to you. "Yeaha! You're a genius (y/n)!" You exclaimed before running off.

Eventually you found Yakko gawking at a group of women. It wasn't a surprise really. You came up from behind him and bonked him on the head. 

"Hey! What was that for?!" Yakko turned around angrily but grinned when he saw you. 
"Ohhhh~ Hey there (y/n)~" You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Were you out here looking for me?" Your eyebrows lowered. "Yeah, I was cause you can't go out alone for five minutes without destroying an entire hotel and terrifying seven children." 

"Actually, it's more around 16 children." 

"Oh shut it." 

The women he was watching were now gone, so you took the opportunity to grab his arm and yank him into walking alongside you.

"Woah! What are you so eager for~"

You smacked your palm against your forehead. "Do you not remember?"

"Nope." He said popping the p.

"It's finally the night where ed edd n eddy is going to be having a all-night stream session." 

"EUCK! Cartoon Network?" He gagged dramatically.

"Oi, hush it. Ed edd n eddy is good. I like it."

"And why do I need to be there?" He said when you two got to the ladder and started climbing up. 

"Because I wanna watch it with you." 

His eyes shined. "With me? Awe my (n/n) wants to spend some alone time with me~"

Your face heated up, turning a strawberry red. "You're good company. Ok?"

He shrugged and smiled. "Close enough." 

The sun was going down, and the streaming was just about to begin. Wakko and Dot laid in their bunks, sound asleep. You and Yakko quietly made popcorn, and grabbed a heap of blankets. You two came to a mutual agreement that you'd stay up to watch the stream together, but as long as you'd cuddle. Yakko had to beg for you to give into the cuddling part. Your energy had started to come back, powering through the remaining effects of your meds. Yakko and you were trying to muffle your laughs as you were making the popcorn and cracking jokes. Just as the microwave was about to go off, you opened it and pulled out the snack. It was hot to the touch, stinging your fingers, but since you're a toon you didn't feel much. As you were dumping the popcorn into a bowl, you watched as Yakko's hand creeped inside and tried to steal a piece. You smacked his hand away, and told him to wait. 

When you sat down on the couch with the popcorn, Yakko sat next to you. Not before long he managed to sneak right next to you, and engulf you with the blankets with him. You barely even noticed, until you felt his arm sneak around your waist and pull you closer. Your face flushed, though the dim light hid your blush well. While your eyes were glued to the screen, Yakko was watching you with a slight smile. Though he felt very tired, he took note of how your face would light up when something happed in the show, or how you would wiggle and squeak whenever your favorite character did something cute. He found you utterly adorable. He's seen a lot of pretty ladies in his days, but none could compare to his best friend. Even though he knew he had to hide that. Things got worse when you moved in with the Warner's. What had started as a crush eventually morphed into more. And, as cheesy as it sounds, it pained him. He knew he only knew you when you were on your meds, the only time he got a glance at your actual self was when they were wearing off. His mind often wandered about them, thinking about what could possibly happen if he took them away for a bit. But, he knew he'd love you no matter what. His thoughts got interrupted when you rested your hand on his leg. He looked down at you and smiled, seeing you glance at him through the corner of your eyes. Your eyes quickly shifted back to the screen. This was the first time you'd ever done anything like this. You usually shut him down, or pushed him away. But you finally gained the confidence to show some affection back. To be honest, you didn't know if he actually liked you. Hell, he flirts with every 
girl he sees. But, he got you. He got you good. You had built up this tough-girl attitude, and pretended to not be bothered my his remarks or his flirty jokes. When inside of your little brain, you were screaming and dancing. Maybe the tough-girl attitude had something to do with your meds, as they made you numb to basically everything. But he was your best friend. You didn't want to ruin that. 

Half way into the broadcast, you were splayed across Yakko's body. Your head was on his chest, and his arms wrapped around your torso loosely. You two were barely watching, too tired to even keep your eyes on the screen. So Yakko lazily reached for the remote and turned the tv off. You let out a groan of disapproval, but stopped once Yakko's arms rested around you again. Too tired to think, you sat up lightly and scooted forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. His eyes shot open as a wave of energy rushed through him, and he watched as you scooted back and laid your head on his chest yet again. He just watched you for a while, until he knew for certain you were asleep and pressed a kiss to your head. "Goodnight, love you my (n/n)~"


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