XXXIII: Tickle Monster!

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My heart seemed to stop beating and the blood drained out of my face as I saw the picture he was holding. Was my eyes deceiving me? This couldn't be possible. Gabriel is a nice man or at least that's what I know when I met him. He never gave off the aura of a man who'd hurt a fly moreover a woman but Zephyr can't be lying too.

I was torn between this mess and didn't know what was the truth.

"Th..that's Gabriel." I stutter out in fright and he looked at me in confusion "Gabriel? This is Eric, Eric Laurent, a Mafia King." He gritted his teeth while pacing around in front of me, he looked murderous for some reason.

Here comes another bomb. I think I'm gonna go insane, does this mean all this while I was being a friend with a freaking Mafia King? who could've actually killed me? Chills run down my spine and I felt lightheaded but immediately steadied myself by placing my palms on the floor.

"I know him Zephyr," I chocked out when I got my voice back, "he's the one whom I met in the masquerade ball when we went to Barcelona and then later we became friends."

He stopped and glanced at me in astonishment and also anger "Then why didn't you fucking tell me about him Athena?" he grabbed my shoulders abruptly and I freaked out a little hearing his rage filled voice. I clenched my jaw and scowled at him, I felt myself becoming furious, "Don't you dare use that tone on me Zephyr. I didn't know he was a damn criminal and also during that time we weren't dating, so why would you think I would've told you this when you were busy eating my head with you bossy attitude."

He looked surprised by words but it only lasted for a second, I let out a scoff shoving him away from me as I stomped back to his room but I immediately regret saying such things to him. This is insane! He was only trying to ask me but I guess I worked up for no reason yet he should've done this like a mature adult cool headedly instead of going berserk on me.

I slumped onto the bed and buried my face into the pillow, groaning out loud in frustration. Partly because of Zephyr and the new found information. My senses alerted when I heard foot steps approach me then It stopped. I knew he was watching me and I decided to ignore him. The side beside me dipped and the next moment I'm in his arms. "Zephyr let go off me," I scolded him as I tried to pry his hands from my body but damn his strength. "No I won't," he spoke sternly against my neck which sent shivers down my spine. My face scrunched as I struggled to break free but all he did was pull me back to his body and now even tangled our legs together.

"I'm sorry Athena, I shouldn't have spoke like that, Please talk to me," he pleaded holding me tightly, "No!" I spat back, my heart ached as I recalled all that bad times we had, his cold tone brought back those days I hate the most and it was painful.

"Please Athena," he begged, his voice filed with regret but I chose to give him a cold shoulder and gave up on my struggle to escape his arms. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, after sometime I heard him let out a dejected sigh, "I understand," he mumbled in so much pain and I wanted to say I forgive him but my stubborn mind wasn't letting me. "Good night Cherie," he kissed my cheeks and slept beside me while holding me in his arms in a death grip afraid I might leave him but I wasn't going to.

Deciding to deal this matter tomorrow morning I went to sleep, feeling his warmth against me after a long time.


I felt a weight on my waist and when I looked down, I found Zephyr snuggled into me like a baby. I stroke his soft hair and glanced at the clock, it was six thirty. I have college today. I wiped the sleep off my eyes and carefully moved his arms from around my body and kept a pillow instead.

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