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Yoongi Min
Age: 23
Birthday: March 9, 1993
Likes: Naps, homicide, music, eating, torturing those that piss him off, and doing anything that involves hurting someone just because he feels like it
Dislikes: People, any social setting/interaction, being disrespected, being ignored, being awakened from his peaceful slumber, and overly loud and annoying people

Harley Lee
Age: 17
April 5, 2003
Likes: Swimming, nature walks, walking along the beach, music, beating a bitch when necessary, and food
Dislikes: Her parents, animal abuse, people who be being hoes and thotpockets, tight clothes, being left, and unnecessarily rude bitches

Jessica Lee
Age: 36
Birthday: October 4 1980
Likes: Beating her daughter, alcohol, sex, and drugs
Dislikes: Being denied, when Harley looks better than she does, and when the attention isn't on her

Rick Lee
Age: 40
Birthday: February 18 1976
Likes: Long talks, sex, abusing his daughter and treating his son like royalty, and spoiling his wife to make his daughter jealous
Dislikes: When he isn't treated like a man, when Harley refuses to obey him, and when people act as though he doesn't exist

Tyler Lee
Age: 15
Birthday: August 9 2005
Likes: Hurting his sister, being a playboy, making people hate Harley, causing trouble, and hanging out with his friends
Dislikes: Not being allowed to do what he wants, when his mother is drunk off her ass, and when he can't get money from his parents

Welp welcome to a new story Imma try and edit more of my old stories and update more often anyways saranghae💜💜

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