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this isn't an office, it's a big ass mansion! probably 2 times bigger than mine, and it looks very luxurious.

"behave." my dad said, getting out of the car.

"sure." i followed him, observing the beautiful place surrounding me.

after we reached the door, there were a boy who escorted us inside the house.
woah. this isn't even real! the house looks even more gigantic inside. there were golden pillars, beautiful sculptures and glass floor, it even has little details on it. my my... this looks like a disney movie. i mean, compared to this, my house is nothing. i continued looking down to the glass floor, not noticing there was a furry animal nuzzling at my foot. i picked it up and carried him, following my dad to a certain room we were about to get into.

"put it down, kid," my dad said and offered me a seat.

"oh im sorry," i said, putting it down and fixing my dress because it has cat fur all over it.

"who are we gonna meet, dad?"

"your soon to be husband."
i froze. he came, with his dad, who i seemingly know as Mr. Zhong, one of my dad's friend who often came to his meetings too. then my gaze went to the younger, his son. huh. i don't remember him having a son. i just know him. we bowed to each other and sat again.

"you're late, Zhong," my dad said, hugging him.

"this kid didn't want to go," he ruffled his kid's hair, letting go of my dad's hug. i look at him and put out my hand.

"Kim y/n."

"Zhong Chenle." we shook our hands and went back to our seats.

"soo y/n," my dad starts, looking at Mr. Zhong who gave him a nod, signaling him to continue.

"—this is zhong chenle."

"i know."

"yeah, and you are going to be my daughter in law." Mr. Zhong said, squealing a slight hooray. i honestly didn't know what to say. i mean this guy—i barely knew him, he's new and i don't know him. my eyebrows furrowed in unison, didn't want to be rude to both my dad and Mr. Zhong, so i slightly tilt my head to the side.

"why?" i ask.

"he's going to run over my company, and you are helping me and your dad's business to grow more."

"more what?" the boy asked with a tone of annoyance.

"more strong. we have the most powerful thing here and you wouldn't let us down right?"

"—plus you guys look perfect together!" my dad said, giving a thumbs up.
chenle's lips vaguely parted, astounded by how his father effortlessly gave the news about forcing him to marry. he stared at me, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head to the side.

"do you agree?" chenle asked,
i really wanna say no right now, but the way my dad looks at me- i'd rather not. i nod and Mr. Zhong relieved.

"good. now go upstairs and chitter," he pushed me and chenle out of our seats and outside the living room.


i silently walked beside him while looking at his house. honestly i can't get over it. it looks so beautiful i wanna live in it-well i will soon😔🤌🏼

"you really agree?" chenle broke the silence and pausing his step.




"cause i don't like you."

"pft, bro i don't like you too."

"—i was trying not to be a nuisance." i continue.

"you already are." he said, leaving me alone in his stunning little garden placed in the center of his house.

a/n: well i guess it's better being sad in a mansion huh <3

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