9 - movie release

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"For... What, Miss Ahn?" I asked after she suddenly apologized.

She chuckled and said, "When we first met. You know, when I suddenly called you a thief."

I just chuckled back and replied, "Hey, that's all fine with me, Miss Ahn. You didn't have to apologize."

"Sorry if it took a while... I don't know, I'm just embarrassed, that's all." She added.

"It's okay, Miss Ahn." I smiled.

"Do you... Uhm, wanna start over?" She asks.


"You know, take off all of those awkward moments and just... Start at the very beginning?" She continued.

I was relieved. I thought she's gonna call me a thief forever. I just chuckled and straightforwardly answered.

"That would be very great, Miss Ahn."

I saw her smile, "Thank you..."

"It's nothing, Miss Ahn."

"Oh and by the way, please speak to me casually. I don't like being called 'Miss Ahn' quite a lot. Just call me by my name. Besides, we will be working together for a while and I'm younger than you." She added.

I chuckled and replied, "If that's what you want, then I'll speak to you casually, Ahn Eun Ji ssi."

Today went well.


The next day, at around 11, my phone rang and it was Lee Dae Won.


"Oh hey, Eun Ji ah." His deep voice greeted me.

"Hey, Lee Dae Won." I said calling him by his name.

"Ya, I'm older than you."

I laughed and apologized, "Sorry, Dae Won oppa."

"Good... Say, Song Ji Hyo's movie just released today. Wanna go watch it with me at the theater?" He asked me.

It's been a while since we both hung out together. "Sure, let's watch it. What time is the movie?"

He sounded happy afterwards, "8:15. Don't you dare tell me that something urgent came up."

"Yeah, don't worry, oppa."

"Great. I'll see you later okay? Bring some money for your food. I'll buy my own and you buy your own." He said.

"Ya, treat me at least some pop--" I wanted to ask him to treat me food but he suddenly ended the call.

Aish, that oppa.


(yoo jae suk's pov)

race starter (ji suk jin)
Ya!!! Song Ji Hyo!
Congratulations on your
movie! 👏🎉

giraffe (lee kwang soo)
Her movie was released today!
Let's go watch it!

haroro (haha)
I'm down! 🙌

kookie (kim jong kook)
Congratulations, Ji Hyo ah! ❤️
If we're watching today,
I can't.
I have to go to the gym

You always go there
Kook Jong.
Congratulations Miss Mong!

strawberry (yang se chan)
Congratulations noona! 👏
Let's watch it!

She's probably wondering
where are the emojis

[COMPLETED] She Doesn't Know Me -- y.jaesukWhere stories live. Discover now