Chapter 21: Poker-face Appears

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I don't know how long I stayed in that place, just standing there and looking at this figure.

What's going on? Didn't he say it would take ten years? Why did he come out?

Was he deceiving me after all? Or was there another change?

And he came here. Was this really the key to everything, and he came here as soon as he came out of the bronze door?

When I went around to the front of this figure, my sluggish doubts turned into anger and frustration. Because I found this wasn't a person sitting here, but a stone statue.

A black snow suit was neatly draped over the stone statue, with a snow cap on his head, looking exactly like a real person.

My anger was directed at whoever pulled this prank by putting the suit on the stone statue; however, I wondered why this figure was so similar to Little Brother.

I got close and saw the real face of the stone statue. It was a simple statue carved from Himalayan rocks, very crude and lacking in details, but the whole body was really like Little Brother. I subconsciously looked at the hands and fingers of the statue and found that the carving wasn't detailed enough to show the fingers.

I looked around and saw that the clothing was very valuable. It wasn't easy for travelers to get to this place, and it was impossible for anyone to take two sets of clothing with him and then leave one for practical jokes. There must be an owner of this snow suit, and if he wanted to go down the mountain, he had to come back here and pick it up.

There was no one around. I went around a few times and came to the stone statue to have a closer look.

This kind of feeling was very strange. There were very, very few images of Little Brother around me. Except for some blurred images in some photos, nothing else was left during my time with him.

In the hustle and bustle of things, one can only have true friends when one's life was meaningless. Otherwise, it was a question of whether the friends one made during significant events would still exist after the significance disappeared.

I lit a cigarette and looked at the unfinished stone statue, thinking that I must ask Old Lama what it was. But I soon found that the statue wasn't without details, they just stopped halfway.

The degree of detail on all of the carved parts was completely different, with the most delicate part being the face. It must have been prepared first.

I could see the expression of the stone figure and the sculptor's intention from all of the details on this face, and I found that it was really Little Brother.

Little Brother's face was actually quite unique, and he wasn't the sort of person who would get lost in the crowd. But I didn't care about that, what I cared about was the expression of this face.

I found that it was crying.

I took a few steps away, and felt even more creeped out. I found that the whole statue presented a shocking scene—Little Brother sitting on a stone with his head down, crying.

Little Brother never showed any obvious expressions. Not to mention crying, I never even saw him express the slightest ounce of pain.

I looked at the stone statue, finished smoking all of my cigarettes, and decided to take off the snow suit and ask Old Lama about it directly. But as soon as my hand grabbed the surface of the garment, I found something was wrong. As soon as I touched it, my hand was stained with dust.

I continued to unfasten the zipper and buttons carefully, and found that this was not a black snow suit at all. The original color couldn't be verified—it was probably white or red— but it became black because it was too dirty and old.

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