chapter 1- busted?

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*Gunshots are fired*
There's no going back now. This is it. I chose my destiny and I have to stick to it. As my heart beats faster and faster I feel no more oxygen in my lungs. Knowing that the demons are behind me, planning their next strike, I began to lose hope. My legs were slowly giving up on me. I had no time to feel all the crippling pain from my injuries. I was numb on the inside and out. Suddenly, I see the perfect little hidden corner at the end of the alley covered by trees and shrubs. I brushed through all the branches and thorns to get to it. Finally, I lay back on a humongous slab of rock. The biggest sigh of relief escaped from my mouth. I made it. I started feeling all of my injuries. I looked down at my arms and saw the dark maroon blood dripping from each cut. "I hope nobody sees this, I might get throw in there again."

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