So this is home?

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It's been 3 weeks sense I got here. I don't exactly know where "here" is, some people say were in Milwaukee some people say we aren't even in the USA. I really don't care where I am, I just want to know why I'm here. So far I have a few friends, Maeve, Betty, Jason, and Tyler. Maeve had light brown hair, pail white skin, amber eyes, and a perfect face complexion. She was sassy but soft and gentle. Betty. I didn't really like her but she was close to Maeve so it was whatever. She had blond hair and was always in a bubble mood yet she managed to be so bitchy. Jason was dark skinned, he had an amazing smile, and was extremely down to earth. Last but not least, Tyler. He was a skinny skater white boy with short brown hair and extremely pail skin, more pail then Maeves. He was nice but quite dumb. Then there's me, my name is Layla. I have tanner skin but I'm still white, black hair, and hazel eyes. I like to think I'm tough but I'm really just sensitive. Before getting here I lived with my mom, step dad, and brother. Sounds normal but I hated every second of it. My mom was extremely bipolar and always mad, my step dad had no motivation to do anything in life, and my little brother was extremely annoying but he was only 5 so I can't really blame him. Anyways, enough of the back story. Im sitting on top of old abandoned train with Maeve, we've only know each other for two weeks but it's already "are spot".
"So did you hear, we're having a cook out tonight" she said with fingers quotes around "cook out".
"Really" I said blandly.
"Yes. I wonder what they plan on feeding us exactly" she replied.
We bolth heard a change in volume from the court yard behind us. The court yard was where everything happened. It's where some people sleep, there's meetings, eating, and really anything else you can think of.
We both turned around to she what was going on and saw a group of people circling around something. I stood up to see what it was.
"Ew" I said rolling my eyes.
"What is it" she said fearfully
"Two of the alpha boys are fighting again"
We call the guys who want to "lead us" alpha boys. It's usually just some guys who think having a basketball trophy and a gpa over 3.0 was a good reason for them to lead. Or it was dudes from a rich family who thought their money meant something still.
"Yikes" she said while standing up to see "do you think they know that literally no one will follow under their command?"
"Definitely, they're probably just as scared as us and doing this to cope with it" I said back.
We both sat down and started at the crowd. Maeve was shivering because all she had on was a lacy long sleeve over an undershirt and some black skinny jeans. The sun was going down and it was fall. I pulled my black hoodie off and handed it to her. She held it for a second then put it on. I was left in just a white t-shirt and joggers but I was from the Midwest so I was used to the cold. She leaned her head onto my shoulder and let out a sigh.
"Do you think we're ever going to figure out what's going on" she said
I just sat there for a few seconds before responding.
"No, we're all we have left and we dont know anything."
"Do you think we're ever going to get out of this place?" She asked.
"Honestly... no" I said with a sad laugh.
"So this is home"
"So this is home".

"What are you two doing up here"? Jason said abruptly. He had a heavy British accent and I still wasn't used to it.
"Jesus Jay could you worn a person?" I said almost yelling.
"Sorry Lay, didn't mean to scare ya" he laughed.
"Your fine man" I said with a smile.
"To answer your question, we're just watching these two ass holes fight" Maeve said.
"Im putting my bets on the guy in the red" he chuckled then softly punched my arm "any of you seen Betty?"
Maeve pointed to the barn on right side of the court yard "she's probably in there, she's always in there"
"Thanks, she's helping set up the cook out tonight, anyways she you two later" Jason said then he climbed down the ladder on the side of the train.
"That's weird" Maeve said.
"What's weird" I replied.
"Betty never told me she was helping with the cook out" she said in a conflicted tone. "She tells me everything, but like recently she's been so distant"
I knew why but I wasn't going to tell her. Betty didn't like me and Maeve was drifting towards me instead of her.
"I'm sorry about that Maeve" I said.
Maeve replied "It's fine your much easier to talk to anyways, it's like whenever I'm with her everything's about her. It's all Betty Betty Betty, it's nice being friends with a good listener like you." She paused for a moment "Anyways I burned down twelve orphanages today."
"What the hell" I said laughing.
She looked at me with a slight grin and shook her head. "Just making sure your still there."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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