What are you hiding?

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"Hey Tumu" Osamu nudged Atsumu "hah? What is it Samu?" Atsumu seemed quite annoyed to be disturbed by his twin. "Sunarin zoned out again, do you think he's alright? He's been acting off these past 2 weeks of school".

"Maybe he's just tired, like always"
"Your no help, like always". Osamu looked back to Suna and stared, ever since he first layed eyes on Suna in his first year, he had this feeling, a feeling he had never felt for anyone before, the way he always curled up to sleep on the bus was adorable, and his rare show of emotion always put a smile on Osamu's face.
He had become somewhat protective of Suna, he was always the first one
with tape if Suna sprained a finger on the court, and was always ready with soup and blankets if Suna simply sneezed.

"I am helpful! If you're so worried about Sunarin just tell kita-san" Atsumu said waving down Kita.

"Whats wrong Atsumu?" Kita asked

"Samu noticed that Sunarin spaced out, AGAIN, and wanted you to check on him"

"Alright, I'll go check on Suna" he turned to the direction of Rintaro and started to walk.

Rintaro woke from his daydream, only to be face to face with Kita, and his scary aura.

"This is the 5th time you have zoned out this practice, are you alright?" He rubbed Rintaro's shoulder.
"Oh no, I'm fine kita-san" Rintaro felt Kita stare daggers into him, but he ignored it and went back to his recieving drills.
Kita stopped him.
"Are you sure? If somthing is bothering you I'm here to talk. Or if school is the problem I can create a study group, they are very effective"

"No, no I really am fine Kita-san" Suna yawned out.

Kita could see that Suna's eyes were droopy and his dark eye bags were getting more noticable by the day.
So he did what any good sempai would do.

"Hm, h-hey! Kita-san! What are you doing?" Suna was nothing less than confused when Kita dragged him to the club room and sat him down on resting bench.

"You're not going back to practice untill you sleep"  he layed Suna's head back and put his jacket over him.

"Your gonna hurt yourself if you dont take care of your body, and your body needs rest. I get if you're not ready to talk now, but you have to promise me that you will talk to someone, ok?" Kita smiled down at Suna, it was a rare show of emotion that Kita saved for the people ge cared for.

"Ok, I promise" and with that Kita left the room.

"Where did you take Sunarin?" Was the first thing kita heard while entering the gym, and the person who asked that very same question was none other than Osamu.
"Don't be concerned, I told him to get some rest. He is currently sleeping in the club room" Osamu let out a breath he didnt know he had been holding in.

"Oh and Osamu its your turn to lock up the club room so just remamber to wake Suna up, ok" Aran said walking over to join the conversation.

After practise was over Osamu walked into the club room to find Suna cuddled up in his jacket, sleeping soundly.
Osamu couldnt help but blush at the sight of Suna, his mind kept circling around Suna and how cute he looked sleeping.

Then, Osamu did somthing he new he would regret later on...

Sleep well my Darling(SunaOsa)Where stories live. Discover now