Ch. 1

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I was surrounded by complete darkness. Knowing of no one's presence but my own. With my eyes squinted, I started looking around to see where I was when I suddenly bumped into what seemed like a wall and my glasses almost fell off of my face. Luckily, I caught them before they could fall to the ground and break.

"Look what we have here..." said a lost voice in the darkness. "Who are you?" Sarada shouted back. "Are you lost little one? You seem to be confused."

Sarada still didn't know who was with her or where she was but she felt no where near safe. She felt a cold breeze behind her but when she turned around to see if she could see what the cold air was.

"I'm not afraid of you", Sarada chuckled. "You will be!" A blurry figure jumped out of the darkness and grabbed Sarada.

"AHH" Sarada screamed, gasping for air. She realized that she was safe and sound in her room. She sighed and gave herself a second to catch her breath.

"Sarada! Come downstairs and have breakfast!" Sakura called to her daughter.

"In a minute Mama!" replied Sarada. Sarada finally got up and picked out her usual outfit to wear for the day. Then she realized the time. "It's 10:30am! Already? How long was I asleep?"

She realized she had promised Mitsuki that she would train with him at 11am. Sarada brushed her hair and rushed downstairs to see her mother, Sakura, making eggs for herself.

"I made you toast but I wasn't sure if you wanted jelly or butter so I put the jar of jelly and a stick of butter on the counter next to your plate of toast." said Sakura. "Thank you Mama but I will only be able to stay for 5 minutes or so." replied Sarada. Sakura lifted her eyebrow with a confused expression that said "What for?" Sarada answered her question before her mother could ask it. "I. promised Mitsuki I would train with him at 11." Sarada told her. "Oh ok. Have fun! Be back before 8 please so that you can make it back home for dinner." Sarada nodded her head to her mother in agreement and rushed out of the house with a piece of toast in her hand.

At this time it was 10:50am. I only have 10 minutes to get to Mitsuki and finish my toast! I've got to put a little bit more pep in my step. Sarada thought to herself. She rushed to the the training grounds, where Mitsuki wanted to meet with her. Soon enough she finally arrived and Mitsuki smiled once she noticed her presence.

"I knew you'd be here on time." Mitsuki said with a chuckle. Sarada gave Mitsuki a curious look and asked him, "How did you know I wouldn't be late?" Mitsuki laughed and said, "THE Sarada Uchiha? Late? Never." They both shared a laughter and began with some basic fighting moves. It started off with just Sarada kicking and throwing punches at Mitsuki as he blocked them. It was only a warm up. "Too scared too hit a girl?" Sarada chuckled while trying to catch her breath a bit.

"Sarada! Mitsuki! Lord Seventh wants us to meet in his office! Now!" Both Sarada and Mitsuki turned around to see a familiar face. It was their fellow comrade, Boruto.

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