Chapter 1

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Darlene sees her mother standing next to the garage waving her way as she parks the Harley behind her mothers car

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Darlene sees her mother standing next to the garage waving her way as she parks the Harley behind her mothers car. Her mother giving her the biggest smile as she walks up to her only daughter.

"There you are, honey. You're late! We were getting worried you wouldn't make it again." Pauline Johnson tells her daughter, giving her a quick hug. Darlene smiles as she puts her head on top of her mothers. The small woman scoffs before pulling back with a smirk. "Don't do that! You know I hate it when you show of your taller than me."

"Sorry, mom." Darlene says as she throws a smirk her mothers way. "Couldn't help myself. Sorry, I'm late though. Len needed a hand with a new customer. Car broke down half a mile down Pineroad."

Darlene looks down at her slightly greasy hands, being a mechanic isn't the cleanest job but it sure does make her happy.

Pauline huffs. "That man needs to do his own job himself, honey."

"You know he's still rocking that brace around his wrist, mom. Means he can't quite hook the cars up right now. Not even allowed to drive. Hank drops him off every day."

"All right, all right. In you go now. Jacob and Trent probably ate half the food already. You know how your brother and uncle get, dear." Her mother tells her, cheeky smile on her face.

Darlene lets out a laugh as she follows her mother up the pathway to the front door. With a twist of the knob the door opens 'That's weird she always locks it. No matter how far out the door she goes.' The thought runs through her head like a small headache and she simply shrugs and shakes it off. 'She might forgot to do it.'

She follows her mom, well the smell of the food, down the narrow hallway. Passing all the picture frames holding bits and pieces of her childhood and pictures of family and friends.

Pauline opens the kitchen door and steps slightly to the side so she can let her daughter pass. "Smells amazing, mom? Let me guess your famous chicken in cream sauce and garlic pasta?"

"As promised." Her mother sings. "Even put in some cream cheese. Just the way you like it." She tells her daughter with a wink.

"Where's dad?" Darlene asks her mother as she turns to face the rest the kitchen-dining room. Her eyes glancing over the empty chair her father always had his ass pressed on. She looks at the two males sitting at the table. Her uncle Trent johnson, her father's brother, taking a sip of his beer as he brings the bottle to his lips. Next to him is her younger brother, Jacob Junior, nearly breathing in the delicious pasta on his plate. Neither of them acknowledging her, her mother nor her father missing from his seat.

Suddenly her mother puts a hand on her shoulder. "Honey, what are you talking about? Your dad's been dead for months. Now grab a plate. Jacob is nearly eating all of it." She giggles.

"What?" Darlene turns to her mother in shock. "What the hell? I saw him yesterday."

"Don't be silly, honey. You were there when your uncle shot him right here." Her mother says as she taps her finger right between her eyes. The glint in her eyes making her look as insane as her words.

Everything feels off. A feeling of dread filling her up slowly as she glances around the room, which doesn't even feel the same anymore. The wallpaper slowly dropping from the walls, food rotting away and the smell of death filling her nostrils makes her gag, all the while Darlene's mother just smiles at her. "Come on now, honey. Let's eat."

Before she knows what's happening, her mother grabs her head, teeth snapping beside her ear. She drags her daughter to the ground and sits on top of her body and for such a small lady she sure does have strength. That's when she sees it. The death look in her mothers eyes, like a white glaze covering her once deep honey eye colour. And the large bite mark on her neck stilling bleeding while her skin is rotting away. Her mother, or whatever this is, grabs a hold of her left shoulder trying to push her daughter down while snapping her teeth as if she wants to take a bite.

Another hand on her right shoulder is the one that makes her snap her eyes open. A gasp leaving her mouth as she sits up so fast her head spins.

"Shhh... It's okay. It's just a nightmare Darly. You're okay." Her brothers soft voice brings Darlene back to reality. Breaths becoming more steady. "That's it. Breathe."

"I'm fine." She stutters out. The nightmare rolling to the back of her mind as she looks up at her brother. "Thanks, Jacob." She smiles.

"Tell me about it."

"I'm fine, JJ. No need to worry about a silly bad dream." Darlene huffs, a scoff nearly leaving her lips at the worried look on her brothers face. She looks around the small cabin they found, hidden away in the woods, looking for anything else other than her brothers worried puppy look. The only look that could make her break and cry while she needs to be strong and tough for him.

Even though he is only three years younger it doesn't mean he is any less her younger brother. Little brother even. She would always be there for JJ, protecting him even if it means risking her own life. Nothing more important than the safety of one of the two only family members she has left.

And not a day goes by where she feels regret for not being able to save her mother and father.

Jacob sighs before turning back to his book. "Unc should be back soon. He went out looking for food."

"And you let him go out alone?!"

"Like he would let me leave you here alone to go with him. You know how he gets, sis."

"Of course not! You should have woken me up then. I could have gone with him, you little douche."

"Yeah, right. Bitch." Jacob says before lifting his hand to turn a page. "This I quite the story."

"Of course it is. You've known it from the back of your hand ever since you were young, lil bro." Darlene laughs. "I mean, can't quite blame you. Harry Potter is a good book to let your mind just drift away." Both of them laugh slightly to the comment.

Darlene stands up slowly. The popping of her bones is causing chills to run down Jacobs spine. He always hated that sound. And Darlene, being the big sister she is, always teased him by popping them on purpose. She could remember her mother scolding her while her father laughed it off "Perfect definition of brother and sister." He always used to say.

How she missed them both.

The sudden sound of footsteps nearing the door made both of them look up. Jacob reaches for the machete laying next to him while Darlene grabs the hunting knife from it's holster on her thigh.

Three knocks, then two then four signals them it's their uncle. He turns the knob slowly before opening the door and stepping in. "Good you're both up." His gruff voice says. He turns slightly to close the door behind him. Taking a deep breath in trying to catch his breath.

"You ran here? What happened?" Darlene asks Trent. In the corner of her eyes she can see her brother standing up slowly. "Are you hurt?"

"You both are never gonna believe what I found."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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