First day of school

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[Y/N]'s pov 

"Aaahhh" finally, the day arrived when I will get to go to my new school. I rushed to go to my bathroom, washed my face, went to my closet and found a cute outfit since I didn't get my uniform yet. 

                                                                              [Y/N]'s outfit 

                                                                              [Y/N]'s outfit 

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I went down

"Good morning baby, come eat your breakfast" my mom greeted me. I ate my breakfast and went outside to walk to go to school. When I exited my street, I saw Yachi waving at me saying my name. I ran towards her. "Good morning yachi" i said. Then we walked together.

While we were almost close to the school I saw that handsome guy again with blue eyes jogging towards the school.


Yachi looked at me with confusion and asked me if I was okay. I said that I was fine and that we should continue walking.

We arrived. My cousin Kiyoko-san greeted us.

"Ohayo [Y/N]-chan welcome to Karasuno High"

"Ohayo Kiyoko-san' Thank you for greeting me"

"[Y/N}-chan, would you like to play in Volleyball?"

"Nope, this time, I am aiming to be one of their managers instead" you said with a smile.

"Really?! Did I tell you me and Kiyoko-san are managers of the Boys volleyball team?" Yachi said

"you are?? Thats great! I wanted to be one, but it looks like the spot is occupied."

"It is, but we can ask Coach Ukai to let you in! We'll try our very best Y/N"

"Really? Oh how kind of you both. Thank you so much"

After talking, when I went to my class, I bumped into a tall guy. He has blonde hair and he is wearing glasses.

"watch where your going"

"Sorry.. Oh wait! Do you know where class 3 is?"

"Ah, its right there *points at the classroom*"

"thank you so much"

He walked away. When I went in the classroom, I saw the Handsome guy again.

'SHIT' I said in my mind.

"Okay class, We will be having a new student from now on.... Her name is [L/N, Y/N]

"Hello, N- nice to meet you all... I hope we'll get along with each other"

The class' eyes gone bigger.

"WOAH" "She is so pretty" "she might surpass Kiyoko-san's beauty"

'Kiyoko-san? Ah right  she is pretty.' Everyone in the class are whispering and talking about me except for the handsome guy.

"Alright, enough with the chitchat. Y/N, since the only seat that's occupied is beside that black hair dude with blue eyes, please seat with him."


"S-sure Sir." I walked going to my seat. When I placed my stuff he didn't even bother looking at me. *SIGH* 'WAIT AM I LIKING HIM? NO WAY!'

The guy who sat beside me was adorable. He has an orange hair and he is kind of short-

"Hey, I'm Hinata Shoyo, Nice to meet you"

"Ah nice to meet you too"

"So, what club are you joining?"

"Actually, I wanted to be a manager in the Boys' Volleyball club"

"really?! Im in the boys volleyball club!"

"Nice! But the thing is, Kiyoko and Yachi is still trying to tell coach Ukai."

"Oh, Okay, Goodluck... Wait, do you want to see the Boys practice?"

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