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*language warning*

It wasn't till the next afternoon that you called Niall, you had planned your entire conversation. You had written notes and everything, you had become incredibly invested in getting them back together. One deep breath in and you clicked his number, the familiar Irish accent greeted you.


"Hi, this is Y/N YL/N. Is this Niall?"

"Sure is. What's up?"

"So I've been working on this idea, to bring One Direction back"

"Seriously?! That would be so great!"

"Wait, you want to?"

"Of course. I've said it before but I'll drop everything for a reunion."

Your smile grew larger and larger by the second, not just because he agreed but because of the happiness in his voice.

"That's- that's amazing, thank you." you finally got out.

"Have any of the other mates agreed?"

"Louis and Liam, but it's still something"

"Don't worry I'll help you, I want this more than you can imagine."

A couple of minutes later you hung up with Niall and let out a small triumphant shriek, Harrison who was the only one home at the time jumped up from the couch.

"He agreed?"


"shit, I have harry and zayn left," you said after realization hit you.

After your research, you knew they would be the hardest, especially the latter. You weren't confident you could get either and Liam seemed pretty set on having all of them.

That night you texted the boys,

                                    Hey, I'm thinking of calling Harry tomorrow. Any ideas? {Y/N}

{Liam} You'll be fine, just don't fangirl and it'll go great.

                                                                   Thanks, I kinda figured that out already. {Y/N}

{Liam} Just saying he can be pretty intimidating

                                                                 I'll be fine, I've met famous people before {Y/N}

{Niall} Harry's different, everyone freaks out meeting him.

{Louis} Not me

{Liam} Well that's apparent...

{Louis} Fuck off that's private

{Niall} You brought it up?

                                                                                              I think I missed something {Y/N}

{Louis} You missed nothing, just call him up. He'll agree, don't worry.

After that, all that seemed to be happening was getting a front-row seat to an argument between Liam and Louis. About whatever they were hinting at.

By the time the next morning rolled around you were practically shaking

Y/N pull it the fuck together. You've won Oscars, you've met the fucking queen. Just call him, you even know him. You've talked to him before, it'll be fine.

"Hello this Harry how are you?"

"Hey, I'm ok how about you?

"I'm great. I actually just finished filming a movie and am now home."

"Fantastic, I actually had a question."

"Oh of course, what's on your mind?"

"Well I was talking to some people, and we all agreed and were wondering whether?"

"Whether what?"

"Whether you were interested in a one direction reunion"

"I mean obviously we all want to in the future, but right now it might not be a perfect time"

"Oh, well I know Louis, Niall, and Liam were all hoping you would be interested"

"Oh really, Louis too?"

"Yeah, Louis seemed really excited"

You could've sworn you heard Louis' laugh in the background but with all the nerves you moved on. The only important thing was to make sure Harry was on board.

"When would this happen?"

"As soon as possible"

"And Zayn's agreed?"

"Well not quite.."

"Figures, tell the boys I'm in"


"Of course, I've missed them"

"This is amazing, ah people are going to go crazy."

"I can imagine"

"Hey, when's the best time to call Zayn. I want to make sure I get the timing right since he might not be happy."

"Call him now, and just don't worry. If he wants to come back he'll want to, but his happiness comes first."

"Thank you, for agreeing. This means more to me than you'd imagine."

"I never realized the famous Y/N was a directioner"

"I didn't realize I was one until this idea became my mission"

"Haha send me the details and info. And updates about Zayn."

"Of course, have a good rest of your day."

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