Alternate Worlds Suck

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Thanks for the request!! I know this isn't exactly what you asked for but this is what came to mind-

Dragon Pact Au, platonic Davis and Viper, and implied Kayper and Katvis.

Basically after the Slode group got back, Mania had came after two days to bring all the dragon slayers (minus Mori) to her world bc the dragons are stronger than they thought and needed back up. They had been fighting for about a week,  staying in tents in a makeshift tent and finding out Mario, Bryan, Colin, and Viper's dragon pact had expanded to all of them. This sparked a lot of conversations based on feeling what the other dragons were feeling.

"Uh- Davis! You haven't gotten on his nerves yet, go talk to him!" Allumos said, shooing Davis to the tent Viper had previously stormed off to.

Davis could barely remember what had happened, one minute everything was normal with about two arguments going on and some small talk between the kinder dragons and the next Viper shouted at someone and stormed off.

Why did he have to be the one to calm him down? How much did this guy hate everyone for him to be the only one he didn't have a grudge against?

"What do you want." Vipers voice was dripping with poison. (Pun intended)

"I'm not sure, you seem to be hating everyone else right now so I was sent to make sure you didn't plan on murdering anyone" Davis stayed standing by the entrance to the tent while Viper was sat on a bed close to the end.

"It's getting a lot harder not to murder anyone with how fucking boarderline annoying and nosy they're being" The poison dragon slayer curled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs.

"Annoying I expected but how are they being nosy?

"They're all " I can feel how upset you are " , " you can't lie to us, just tell us " , " who's the girl " and wouldn't shut up!"

"Damn they really suck that bad don't they? You got any mild spells you can just like shock them a bit with?"

Viper turned to Davis "Ha ha very funny lightning dragon slayer"

"Hey I couldn't think of another word. Kind being put on the spot for this here"

Viper turned back around, sighing slightly "I do, they'd go batshit if I did anything to them with my magic in general though. Murder record and all"

Davis stopped to think for a second. "You're on this whole trying to be better thing right?"

Viper nodded and gave a small hum of acknowledgment.

"Just say it then. In the calmest voice possible say something all mature shit and they'll probably be in enough shock to let you walk away"

Viper hummed and tilted his head slightly in thought. "Ya know that could work" he smirked "How much you wanna bet Bryan will freeze and do his stutter thing?"

Davis laughed "I wouldn't bet anything, that is a 100% guarantee"


Within around 4 days, the group had angered Viper again.

Viper did as Davis suggested.

It went as well as predicted.

Davis had trailed after Viper after he walked off, both breaking into a laugh.

"Told you Bryan would do that"

"Ok but did you see Allumos's face? He looked like he'd just seen a ghost"

The laughter soon calmed down and both went to simply chillin in the tent they had gone to, Viper practicing Braille and Davis messing with tiny controlled lightning bolts.

Viper was first to break the silence.

"They were right"

"About what?" Davis broke the bolt and turned to the other .

"I do have a girl at home." He paused "just confessed and made it official before being dragged here"

Davis took a second to respond.

"That really sucks man, we should be home soon" Davis paused as well "I have a girl waiting for me too"

Viper chuckled slightly.

"Alternative worlds suck."

"Very much agreed"

I hope this made sense- but like am I the only one that can see Davis and Viper just chillin together because everyone else is too much and they quiet bois

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