😃Practice match?😃

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Don't do drugs kids- do me.🥴 jk unless👀

Hinatas POV:

      Ughh, I'm tired. Kageyama kept making a challenge out of everything, but I wasn't going to lose, so I played along. We ran all the way to the gym. I, obviously, won.😌 I will never ever lose to that jerk face! I refuse.

      The gym was already opened. I peeked in, just in case it was a robbery or something. Wait, who would rob a gym? Who cares. Anyways, Kageyama and I walked into the gym side by side. "Suga-Senpai! Good-morning!" I yelled, running towards him. He turned around, "Hinata, hey." As he said that, I jumped on him. "Hello!" He caught me and hugged back. My arms were wrapped around his torso, while my legs were around his waist.

     "Stupid!" Kageyama yelled from the door way. "Hey! I'm not stupid, stupid!" I retaliated. "Hah, says you, stupid, " he shot back. We kept arguing until Daichi spoke, "If you two don't shut up, I will make you run around the gym fifteen times." I shivered, that is scary! His smile was not genuine, that's pure evil! "Daichi, don't say that, " Suga said. Oh, thank the gods. I really don't want to run laps right now.

      "Suga, you can't baby the first year's. Well, maybe Hinata is an exception, but not Kageyama." haha, take that Kageyama! I'm the favorite. "What?! How come he's the only exception?!" "Hinata looks like a baby, it's only natural." Suga said. "That's not an excuse!" Jeez Kageyama, just drop it already. "I'm the favorite, Kageyama. It's pretty reasonable to me, " I giggled. I looked at him with my hand covering my mouth, trying to stop myself from laughing. His face seemed a little red, but I didn't pay attention to that. "You're not the favorite! You just turn into a baby or what ever!" "Aw, that's mean, Kageyama." I pouted. "Kageyama, don't say that. It's not that we're picking favorites, it's just I don't want to stress Hinata so much that he regresses," Suga said, trying to handle the situation. "Psh, " was all Kageyama responded with. And he says I'm a baby. Hmph!

      "Good-morning, my dudes! What's happnin'!?" Tanaka yelled, running into the gym. "Tanaka-Senpai! Hi~!" I greeted, running to him. "Hey, little bro!" Tanaka yelled back. He picked me up from under my armpits and twirled me around. I was laughing the whole time. "Tanaka, put him down! You might accidently drop him!" Suga yelled.

      "Ugh, fine." Tanaka sat me down gently, and I ran to Kageyama. "Kageyama, set to meee!" "Fine!" "Yay!"

      We did the usual morning practice. Everyone was doing their own thing. Well, besides me. I kept begging Kageyama to help me with my spikes. He eventually gave in, and we practiced together.

Classes went on as usual. And by that, I mean boring. I wonder what Loki is doing right now. Probably chewing on my clothes, or bothering mom. Hehe. Good kitty.

Hahaha! I have made it alive another day! Phew. I'm kinda surprised. I thought I would've died on the first day. Anyways, afternoon practice starts in a few minutes. I made my way to the club room to change. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi we're there, yay! "Hi!" I called out. "Hm? Do you hear that, Yamaguchi?" "Hey!" I whined. Yamaguchi snickered. These buttheads! >:( "Don't ignore me! I'm your teammate, beanpole!" I yelled.

I know it's mean to call people names, but he looks like a beanpole! I couldn't help it! "Sorry if that was rude!" I bowed. I didn't want to come off as mean. I just wanted to be friends!

I looked up to see him and Yamaguchi staring at me. I thought I did something wrong, so I looked down at my shoes and fiddled with my fingers. "H-hey, why are you sad?" Yamaguchi asked. "I-I thought I m-made you mad..." Now I'm crying. Aaaand, I'm regressing.

Tsukishimas POV:

Uh- did this dumbass just regress... Really?! This dumbass. "Yamaguchi...what do we do?" I asked, staring at the little orange haired male in front of me. "Uhm, I-I guess we take him to the gym." Great. Wow.

Yamaguchi was carrying shrimpy on his side, like a little kid. How does he know how to take care of a little anyway? "Why are you carrying that idiot like that?" King asked. "Uhm, he r-regressed." Yamaguchi mumbled, nervously. "H-Hi, Suga-Chan!" Shrimpy giggled. Suga picked up shrimpy and tickled him. Sweet giggles were heard throughout the gym. Even if I'm all 'stoic,' I smiled at the adorable sight.

Some weird looking skinny man bursts through the door screeching, "Listen up!" We all gathered around, Shrimp was still in Sugas hands. "I'm Ittetsu Takeda, for those who didn't know, but I got us a practice match with Aoba Johsai!" "That's great, Takeda. We haven't had a practice match in year's." Daichi replied. "Yeah, " Suga agreed. In year's? Damn. That's tough. "Yeah, I know! That's why this is a great opportunity to take back our wings, and fly as crows again!" Wow, wise words from a skinny ass man I've never seen before in my life. This is gonna be a long week.
🥀 872 words🥀
Boom! I promise I won't disappoint you!☺️❤️

Little/age regressed hinata🤍Where stories live. Discover now