🍵11. Sugar Cookies

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(Me, in Shigaraki cos, at 11 pm: oh no I forgot today's FICCC)

"Are you sure, Alice? I can see if Soma is busy--"

"Of course! It's no problem at all, Y/n! Ryō is busy today so I don't have much else to do anyway."

"Thank you so much," I continue mixing the food colouring with the icing. "I don't know how long these would take alone, and I need them by tonight's party."

"Then let's hop to it," her smile almost stops me in my tracks as I turn around, but I refrain from showing how flustered I am. It was just a smile. A cute, adorable smile that could melt me from the inside.

I scoop the colours into piping bags, and set a cooled rack of cookies in front of her. Various shapes stretch out as I set another two down on either side of the table, her across from me.

Sitting across from her, I pick out my first cookie, and set to work. Alice follows suit, her bangs sweeping down in front of her face as she concentrates. Her hands are meticulous, teeth grazing her lip and soon enough, I begin watching her instead of piping onto the cookies. Nevertheless, we continue.

My hands start to cramp during the first hour, clenched about the piping bags the icing traverses onto the cookies in a painstakingly slow fashion.

About the second hour, they're shaking enough to hinder my piping. And with a glance to Alice, she's almost there as well.

"I think we can take a break. We're almost halfway through," I set the bag down, taking care not to let it spill out. The cookies on the counter are bright and beautiful, seeming to catch the eye. "We can start again when we can feel our hands."

"You said it," she huffs. "It's fun, but awful work."

"Thanks for helping me, though," I stand, eyeing one of my latest decorated cookies. It was slightly damaged from my shaky hands, so I grab it. Have to taste-test, right?

"Of course," she walks beside me, and I take a bite, immediately happy with how they have turned out.

"Can I have a bite?" Alice asks, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

Her ruby eyes catch in the light, striking against her skin and hair, and my ability to make words is lost completely for a moment, before I regain myself. "Sure," I manage, and she takes a nibble at the cookie in my hand, a smile tugging at her lips and my heartstrings.

"They ended up really lovely!" She exclaims.

"Would you like to take some home when we're done? I'll have extras."

"I'd like that," her smile is smug, eyes trained to my face as the smirk grows. "After you clean the icing off your face."

I feel my face heat up as my hand jolts up, feeling for the icing.

"It's right here, M(x). Flustered," Alice leans in, kissing the edge of my lip chastely.

And that's when my heart stopped.

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