The Honeymoon

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"Elijah, my darling, may I remove this mask now?" I question as he walks me towards our vacation house. The blindfold is completely unnecessary, my increased senses allow me to comprehend that we're by water and trees are in the distance. I can see through the blindfold, but wanting to play along, I shut my eyes. The musty smell of the house fills my nostrils as we approach what I assume to be is the front porch.

Elijah's fingers dance on the back of the blindfold as he unties the knot and my vision comes back to me. Before me stands a magnificent wooden house. We walk in and I immediately fall in love. The ceiling is so high up that I wonder how the human maids are capable of cleaning it. The house consists of twists and turns and the character held within it is enough to take anyone's breathe away. This place is old. I love old.

"Elijah, darling, this is perfect." I say and kiss him.

"I knew you would love it,"

I smirk. "Is that cockiness I sense?"

He pulls me close to him. "Perhaps it is, "Ms. Michaelson."

"Wow, that'll take a lot of getting used to," I mock and wrap my legs around him.

"Want to take this upstairs, my love?" He questions.

"Oh darling, we can take this every inch of this house."

The thing about having sex when you're immortal, is that it never gets old. You can literally do it anywhere and everywhere however you want with whoever you want which leaves you with endless options.

My whoever is Elijah Mikaelson. I really never believed I would fall in love, but as I lay naked in bed covered in thin white cotton sheets smiling next to the broad shouldered, perfectly proportioned, gorgeous Elijah Mikaelson, and I know no words could ever explain the feelings I've been experiencing since the moment I met him, I know I have.

"Elijah dear, we failed to bring in our luggages," I inform him.

"Ah, who gives a damn," he murmurs as he pulls me onto him and begins kissing me.

"I," kiss "Give," kiss, "A," kiss, "Damn." kiss. I pull away for a second.

"The blood is out there honey, and I'm a bit thirsty," I persuade.

"I'll get it darling. Give me a moment to get dressed," he replies as he stands up and searches for his shorts.

I sit up a bit. "Lij, we're in the middle of no where. I don't believe the nonexistent people surrounding this area will mind if you go out in the nude."

"Oh you just want an excuse to stare at my bum," he jokes and walks out and yes, I stare at his perfectly sculpted behind.

He returns with the cooler filled with blood.

"How many packs would you like my darling?" he asks.

"Just one."

I remember the first time I drank human blood. I was appalled at how much I enjoyed and how incredible it tasted.

"Oh, damn, I've forgotten the present," he whispers.

"What present?"

"Just hold on, I'll be back in a second," he explains and kisses me.

"All this waiting you're making me do. You're going to have to make up for it later," I smirk and smack his bum. He turns and walks out smiling and shaking his head.

With the feeling of nothing but bliss igniting me, I fail to here the intruder, but successfully here my husband scream.

"What the bloody hell," I say as I run downstairs and find my naked husband on the ground holding his head as if he's in extreme pain. I look up and to my dismay, the awful Tina is standing before me.

"You must be asking for a death sentence," I laugh and pin her to the ground.

"Oh, is that so?" she questions and I feel a needle in the back of my neck and I can't see anymore. Black.


I sit up quickly, unaware of my surroundings.

Metal walls surround me and chains are locked around my wrists and ankles.

I suddenly become very aware of my breathing.

I don't breathe.

"Oh my," I whisper and place my shackled hand on my chest. My heart is beating.

"Phesmatos quisa," I whisper and try to unlock my cuffs.


I scratch my thigh and draw blood, it doesn't heal.

"Holy shit,"

I'm human.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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