To Live or Love (12)

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To get Sora to admit her feelings towards her brother's boyfriend, That never turns out well. Saiki had to think how he would get her to say it, would he need a trap? Or maybe do some manipulation himself?

Saiki roamed the school halls looking for a certain place, trying to find somewhere to hopefully talk to Sora. He walked through the first year hall over hearing some people talking not about him, after all Saiki thinks of himself as the boring type...

Sora was in her classroom looking trough her notes "Sora! An upperclassmen is here to talk to you" She stood up, an upperclassmen? Could it be Kaidou? As she walked to the door she was surprised to see Saiki "Oh, hello Saiki did you need me?" He nodded and began to walk signaling for her to follow. "What did you need saiki?"she smiled and tilted her head "There's a reason as to why you wrote it correct?" She nodded "Well i wrote it because I wanted shun to be proud of me, and have a reality where he could be happy with no worries..." Saiki nodded and ruffled her hair "I know there is another reason..." Sora flinched as she looked down "Well, its not really so right to tell you... But if i don't things will get worse." She looked up at Saiki.

Her face began to heat up "I like you Saiki, but I'm not right for you! My brother admires you so much more I reflected myself onto him while I wrote,  I wanted to BE him in that story!" She sobbed falling to her knees "Does that make me a terrible sister? I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry that I cause all of this to happen!" She buried her face in her hands. She felt her head being pet "You did nothing wrong, and besides you will find that special someone. Talk to your brother or me and we can always have fun together" Saiki tried his best to comfort her and he felt himself being hugged, He wasn't the type to just give hugs but the girl really needed it. "H-how am i going to tell Kaidou?" Saiki shrugged "I should figure it out right?" He nodded and she stood up "Thank you Saiki, for everything!" Sora smiled as she walked back to her class. She went back to being absorbed into her studying, she was pretending she was fine by doing her usual routine but you could see the distress from her coming out clearly. She wanted to tell her brother sooner or later but it all just seemed so much different to her, whatever she was thinking about she would forget and would soon have to remind herself. 

"Its crazy what you would do for a friend" that's what you are thinking correct? Sora flinched and turned seeing Teruhashi "o-oh what do you mean?" She giggled "I am assuming with that reaction i was correct, lunch has already started Kaidou said he was waiting for you so i thought i would stop by and see if you would go" Sora smiled "Oh thank you Teruhashi you didn't have to, i will be going then..." Teruhashi nodded "hey Teruhashi, I-I'm so sorry for what I've done to you... I shouldn't have been so self-fish" as those words left her mouth she ran out the classroom "I shouldn't have said anything!" she mouthed to herself. Kaidou could hear his sister storming up the stairs, Sora opened the door to only see her brother she was a little startled she was so used to seeing her brother with Saiki 24/7 it felt so rare to just see him by himself. "Teruhashi said you wanted to talk to me" The boy grinned "Mhm! Sora I wanna do more things with you, I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me to the park or to buy yourself something. Its been so long since we have spent time just the two of us I think it would be fun." There was a small silence "Just the two of us? brother and sister time, are you going to spoil me a little?" He nodded "That's right just the two of us, and I want to just talk about non-important things. Your stories or the small things you like because I love seeing how much passion you put into the-" "Shun- please I can't ... You are going to make me cry, What did i do to have you as my brother!" She ran to her brother clinging onto him "I want to tell you the truth but I'm just so scared that you will hate me!" 

"Why would I hate you? your my sister and I love you with all my heart, nothing you do will make me upset-" "I am in love with Saiki-" . . . "w-what...?" "what?...Oh shoot! I just went and said it, This is what I meant Kaidou! I'm so dumb there is no reason for you to be proud of me why do you even care for me? I just go and make things worse!" Sora sobbed out and ran down the stairs "W-wait Sora!" she could hear the muffled voice of her brother as she ran to the classroom she covered her face and silently sobbed not wanting to face anyone. Kaidou stood at the rooftop stunned, out of anything he did NOT see that coming... Saiki he didn't seem like  Sora's type of guy but guess the same tastes run in the family... 

The school day soon ended it felt too slow for Sora, the walk back home was not the best either she had taken a few detours in order to try and clear her mind... as she walked around the forest near the park were people would go to walk or to just ride around in their cycles, she held onto her notebook as she walked farther into the forest leaves falling around her. The same melody and words flowed through her head as she wrote down anything she could onto the scrap piece of paper, "Why did I just blurt out what i wanted to say i could have just said it when we were having a decent conversation when we  were meant to have fun! but that would have also ruined the mood that we would have had going. I am such a fuck up... to live or to love to have that special someone and be happy or to work for standards, I really don't have a choice."  Sora looked up there was no path anymore, she had wondered off too far as her thinking got her ahead more than she needed to.

Sora soon began to realize that she was in fact lost in a forest... She really just had to call someone, but her mom would get angry but Kaidou would help her... Dora picked up her phone *riiiing, riiiing* "Hello?" Kaidou had picked up the phone and sora began to explain as she walked around in circles to try and remain calm. A beep that indicated that the call had ended appeared "and my phone is dead... How convenient!" She shouted to herself sarcastically. Sora wondered in circles looking at the small things on the ground. "Thats weird why is there something like this here?" The girl looked at the odd caution tape that layed on the floor she grabbed it tugging on it slightly hearing a rustling, thinking nothing of it she pulled harder hearing a crumbling on the floor underneath her... 


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