Chapter 1: Into the Nether

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Nico stared at the canoe lake, waiting for Will and Percy to come up to the surface after treating the Niereds. He was getting ready when a giant hand reached out of the water and dropped Will, soaking and pissed off, onto the ground. Nico smirked, the first time in a year, ever since Jason's death. Nico had felt so much death in the past year and a half that he almost couldn't take anymore. Percy had come back from his Vacation and had only just got over his death. Leo was missing and Calypso was dead after a raid at the Waystation.

Piper was in hiding from what was only known as 'the dark', a malevolent Shadow that was out to kill Piper after Emperor Caligula's death. Hazel and Frank were fighting for their lives at Camp Jupiter with all the chaos breaking out from Tartarus, with cracks full of Zombies swallowing up huge chunks of New New Rome and Destroying everything is came near.

Back at Camp Half-blood, Annabeth spent 100% of her time trying to figure out the patterned disappearances of various campers. The thing was that despite there was an very clear pattern in the disappearances, the campers that disappeared were the old ones, the ones that Annabeth remembered from when she was 7 were the ones going. The Stolls were gone, and so was a big chunk of the Athena and Hermes Cabins. The reason rumoured reason Annabeth and Percy were still alive was that they had defeated Kronos. Chiron was gone and so was Mr D. Apollo and Artemis had come down from Olympus with the news that a most of the Olympians were dead, all their bodies in grand tombs. Nico spent a lot of time in the infirmary with Will, and in his spare time played Minecraft on the H-Box, which was made by Leo's siblings after finding his blueprints for it.

Nico stood up and walked over to Thalia's Tree, only to see Travis Stoll limping up Half-Blood Hill.
"Ni...Co..." Travis whimpered, Collapsing into his arms, "Conner...Tartarus...Dead... Nico, Connor is dead in TARTARUS"

Travis lay in the big house with Will, Katie and Nico. They'd made a makeshift bed out of the Ping-Pong table and all the remaining Campers were gathered around him. Percy and Annabeth were out looking for more stragglers.
Nico hadn't left Travis' side, helping him through dreams and emphasising with him. Travis now had a telepathic link with Nico, telling him about what had happened. Clarisse La Rue was dead and so was her Hermes boyfriend Chris. Travis had got out through one of the many Earthquakes breaking out across the world. Travis had been staying with Sally Jackson and Piper McLean, and had been taken in by Camp Jupiter in his Journey to Camp Half-blood. Nico new that the only way to stop Campers dying was to go into Tartarus and kill the primordial himself, and to do that, he would need to travel to the heart. He knew Will would try and stop him, so he hadn't told his boyfriend.

That night, Nico crept out of Cabin 13 and walked out of the borders of the Camp, shadow traveling to the Underworld just as something ran into him..

Nico and Will tumbled out into San Francisco and down the steps to Hades' palace.
Nico stood at the banks of the Styx, arguing with Will.
"what are you doing?" Will hissed.
"Saving everyone" Nico replied. They kept walking and reached the hole to Tartarus, as Nico won the argument, throwing himself down the hole. Will leapt down after him and they fought each other, punching and kicking each other. Nico kicked Will off him and leapt off the edge, skydiving into Tartarus. He transformed into a raven and grabbed Will in his claws, throwing him upward, into the city above. Nico landed on the harsh ground and looked around at the red wasteland, as a mass of blonde shaggy hair crashed into him. Will Solace groaned and got up, as Nico sighed into the dirt and felt the familiar taste of blood and dirt in his mouth.


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