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Title: Love Guidance

Genre: Romance/Humor

Summary: Moon Byulyi is a serious and reliable class representative that is loved and adored by everyone, teacher or student; male or female. Though the only one that happens to break this cool persona is none other than her homeroom teacher, Kim Seokjin.


February came to an end. Byulyi got accepted to one of the art schools she applied for and she can't hardly wait until graduation.  She was slowly taking the first steps to her dream and she couldn't be any happier. Hani and Sandeul decided to pursue their dream as game developers and a dancer, but sadly they were in different schools. Apparently, Jae also applied for the same school she did and got accepted as well but he was in the music department. A familiar face in university brought a lot of relief for her, at least now she wouldn't find it difficult to make friends.

About his feelings for her, they never did get to continue the talk they had on the field. She doesn't know how to bring it up nor how to handle it, especially that she indirectly rejected him by admitting that she did like her homeroom teacher. She tried asking Hani for advice but her friend only told her to just do whatever makes her happy, which was quite vague if you ask her.

"Byulyi-ssi, Jin-sunsengnim asking about the  last batch of pictures for the yearbook."

"Okay. Thank you."

Her heart started beating in that abnormal way again as she walked to the Literature Club room. The accidental kiss that happened between them was never mentioned and she preferred it that way for she cannot explain why she did that. Just the thought of it makes her blushing like mad.

'He's probably here, right?'

As she opened the door, the sight that greeted her was a huge cut-out of a married couple with holes on the faces--her teacher's smiling face was in the bride part.

"What is this?"

"Byulyi, just in time!" He turned away shyly, which she found cute, and mumbled in the best blushing bride voice impression he can do, "The groom's side is empty."


Seokjin laughed out loud and gestured for her to come in. She dutifully handed him the brown envelope of pictures and listened to him discuss his plans. Nodding off to whatever he was saying, she examined the ridiculous cut-out, "Just what is this for?"

"I was thinking of placing that panel near the entrance during graduation."

"Okay?? Uhmmm so what about the album?"

She looked back at her teacher and quickly blushed as he stood frankly close to her.

"Actually, that was just an excuse! Collecting these pictures, pretending they are for the graduation album. For the sake of those helpless lambs, who want to treasure the memories of their loved ones, we shall publish an unofficial album featuring only the 'Special Someone'!"

"I told you to stop looping me into your silly projects!!"

"Oh, don't worry there will be a graduation album still. I just want everyone to at least have piece of memory of their loved ones with them, just like what you say 'People might leave, but the memories won't'. So will you please help me?"

A blush beautifully bloomed on her face as he quoted her, she looked down and fidgeted with her skirt, "You know I'm not good at saying 'no'."

"I know, I'm sorry."


"Woah, is this Sandeul?"

Jae lifted a picture of Sandeul holding a certificate for winning one of the annual game competitions they held at their club. He was helping Byulyi sort out the pictures after school in their classroom.

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