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After the take-off I was fine. Well, I was fine because of Niall, without him I probably would have bitten off any nails I had and downed too many little bottles of tequila.

Niall was such a sweetheart and I have got to know him so much within our time together. He is getting married in two weeks and this little rendezvous is his bachelor party. He pointed out all of his friends that were on the plane with him.

"Wait hold on a second, are you telling me that your whole bachelor party posse is on this exact flight and not one of you are sitting next to each other? That is ridiculous!" I didn't think I would be able to the funny side to this situation. It didn't make any sense as to why they would all sit separately. 

However, Niall's laugh was so contagious that soon I was laughing along with him. We didn't stop for a full 10 minutes and every time I thought he had calmed down he would start cackling again which would send me off into another fit of giggles.

"Well you see, my lads are very into the ladies and for some idiotic reason they thought that they would be seated next to a young, gorgeous single girl ready to beg at their feet-" he stops to drop his left eye into a friendly wink then continues, "or next to a single, newly divorced milf wanting rebound sex."

Realisation hit me and I felt stupid for not putting a group of obviously horny men and a bachelor party together. Looking around us at the ones he pointed out I couldn't help but smirk a little seeing as who they were all seated next too.

One was next to a young woman, presumedly a mother as she did have a wailing baby in her lap. Another was in between 2 young teenage girls drooling over him looking highly uncomfortable. The list goes on and out of the eleven guys Niall pointed out, not one looks to be enjoying themselves.


Niall once again was able to distract me when the plane was landing. My mind was too occupied talking about what the boys plan to do to be concerned about the shuddering of the plane.

We don't even notice that the plane has landed until we are instructed when to get out of our seats and somehow through the commotion of everyone standing up and grabbing their bag we still hold our conversation. I know I will miss Niall and it hurts to think that I most likely will never see him again.

Once we have made our way to collect our luggage from the merry-go-round like conveyer belt some of his friends had caught up to us. I was still next to Niall as the group got larger until I was surrounded by 7 very attractive men all with wondering and curious eyes, excluding Nialls of course.

"Well Nialler, don't be so rude and introduce the pretty lady" a man with pitch black hair spoke adding a confident smirk at the end. He was eyeing me and unashamedly looked me up and down.

"Zayn don't be a dick and lay off yeah?" This was said by another man who had kind, warm brown eyes and a buzz cut.

Zayn who was just told off like a child huffed and turned his back seemingly uninterested in who I was anymore. was this what the male species had come to? throwing tantrums when they weren't given attention? What a baby I thought watching his tantrum.

Niall cleared his throat and started to introduce me to everyone. "Everyone this is Eveleigh. Eveleigh this Liam, Paul, Ed, James, Graham, Jax and ..." he trailed off looking around for someone. When he couldn't find who he was looking for he turned back towards the guys with raised eyebrows.

"Where the fuck is Harry?"

The orange haired man, Ed I believe answered, "Said he was going to the loo, but he looked like he was clenching so we should get comfortable." The boys seemed to be familiar with Harrys toilet antics as they all groaned and complained how they'll be here forever.

Quietly laughing to myself watching them all interact with each other. It was nice to see how they are like a little family. Shuffling on my feet and adjusting my bag straps I pinched Nialls elbow to get his attention. He turned to me smiling.

"Um ... I'm going to head off but I really want to say thank you, I would have never made it through that flight without you. I also want to wish you good luck with everything, the wedding and all, Hailee is a very lucky girl."

I shyly wrapped my arms around him in a hug. Even though I have only known him for less than 24 hours I will miss him. His arms circled me and he squeezed tight.

"You are very welcome, and hey this isn't goodbye you're invited to the wedding, already spoke to Hailee and everything. I'll text you the details and if you can't come because you are on some great big adventure then don't sweat it" he laughed of what he just said but it was a big deal to me.

The amount of kindness this man has shown me in the small time I've known him puts everyone I have known for years to shame. Smiling big I detangled myself from the hug and bod goodbye to the other boys as well.

As I was walking away, I heard them holler to the unknown Harry. I wasn't that far ahead of them so I could still hear all their voices. They were complaining of the flight and who they were stuck next to. One voice that I didn't recognize from the introductions, deep and very alluring, almost made me turn around.

"How come Niall, the only non-single and soon to be married, was lucky enough to sit next to a gorgeous girl like that. Rigged if you ask me." 

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