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Pairings: Jimmy And Female Reader.

F/M=Female Name

*Jimmy's POV*

"And there we go! We finally finish this video" i said. "Phew i can rest for about a week now" chandler said. "Only a week? That is nothing comparing to eating 50 burgers in one go." chris said to chandler."That's a good one but eating in bed sounds even better right?" karl said to chris and chandler. Both of them nodded and chris asked me: "What about you jim-jim, what are you gonna do?" i answered "I think i will bring F/N in a date tommorow but for now i must rest" karl spoke with a teasing smile "She is quite a catch don't you think?" chandler said "Of course she is who would think that she is a not catch when she cooks like a pro chef and can sings amazing." i reply "Yeah even though she cooks and sing well i think she is the best woman i can ever ask for." chris said "I was i could find someone like her and if i do i will make her feel she is the best." and our conversation went on until we reached the exit and we bid our farewells with each others as we separate. I went to the parking lot and opened the engine and went on my way.

~TimeSkip When Jimmy Got Home~

Jimmy finally reached their house and stepped into their lawn and into the door and rang the doorbell. A voice said "Coming!" and the door opened and reveal F/N on the other side still in her apron, She approached Jimmy and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and said "Welcome home babe and you seem quite tired you should rest soon and also prepared dinner for both of us." Jimmy said "What do i ever do do deserve someone like you?." She quickly replied "Oh! Absolutely nothing just your love is enough for me and i should not keep you outside it's cold." F/N took Jimmy's hand and went inside with him and let sit on a couch. F/N said "Stay here abd rest for a little bit while i prepare our dinner." Jimmy did what he was asked

~A Few Minutes Later~

"Dinner's ready!" F/N said from the kitchen  Jimmy got up and went towards the table when Y/N laid the food. Soon both of them started eating  and talked about the video that was filmed today and when the food was over Jimmy went to the bathroom to take a bath.

~After Jimmy Took Took A Shower~(oof so many timeskip O~O)

Jimmy was on their bedroom and F/N was there aswell he went to the bed next to her and see that she was texting someone Jimmy asked "Who are you texting?" She responded "My brother." She showed him her phone and the contact name is "Brother" and the recent messages are "Sup sis how things going there hopefully something good." And "Ooooh cool i expect to get the full explanation when i come there okay?" "Hah i know you're not lying i was only messing with you" Jimmy said while laughing "I know you're tricks alright but i will let it pass for now and we should sleep." Jimmy said "Okay then goodnight F/N" F/N said "Good night jimmy" Jimmy kiss her forehead and turned off the lights and both of them drifted to sleep.

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