Chapter 5

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The quintuplets gathered around their living room couch with their two tutors standing up in front of them

"Alright! Today we are finally going to get some work done!" Fuutaro proudly stated

The quintuplets looked away from Fuutaro bored and uninterested

"You're still trying to convince us to study? Didn't I already tell you that we don't need a tutor?" Nino stated

"Yeah this seems kinda pointless Fuutaro" Y/N stated

Fuutaro looked at Y/N frustrated "You're supposed to be on my side here!"

Itsuki pointed at Fuutaro "I'm perfectly fine with Y/N, but I refuse to work with you! After all, we can all just do some independent studying and get through our classes!"

Hearing this Fuutaro smirked "Oh really?"

"Then prove it to us!" He said pulling out a test paper from his bag

"Y/N, please hand out the paper and pens!" Fuutaro said, giving Y/N the test papers

"This seems cruel Fuutaro, nobody likes a pop quiz" Y/N said handing out the test "Especially when you have to do it in your own home"

Fuutaro smirked as he thought of an idea "Well, then as a reward, if you all get a passing mark or higher"

"I'll never talk to you all ever again!"

Itsuki looked at the paper determined "W-well! We just have to pass right?" She said grabbing a paper from Y/N

"Well your time starts... NOW!" Fuutaro announced

Y/N watched as the girls struggled through the questions and barely getting to the end in time

"Alright! I've finished marking your papers and... You all got 100!" Fuutaro exclaims

The quintuplets looked at Fuutaro shocked

"... If you were to add them all up" Fuutaro finishes, holding up their horrible test scores

The quintuplets looked away from the tutor embarrassed

"Well, It wasn't too bad" Y/N lied, trying to cheer them up "I'm sure you all will get better"

The quintuplets looked at each other and then nodded

"Run for it!" They said rushing back into their rooms

"Y/N! Stop them!" Fuutaro shouted

Y/N moved aside and let the girls slide past him

"Why didn't you stop them!?" Fuutaro shouts confused

"Forcing them into studying won't work, I think our best way is to convince them individually" Y/N explained

Fuutaro brought his hand to his chin and thought about it "I guess we could try that"

Y/N looked at the test papers again and sighed

"Even if we do manage to convince them, It's gonna be a hassle to get their grades to a passing point" Y/N stated

"Well, I need this job, so I can't really give up" Fuutaro responds

"Oh yeah, he has to help pay off his family's debt" Y/N thought "He also has to provide for Raiha"

Y/N looked at his phone and realized it was time for him to head home

"Sorry, I gotta go" Y/N said

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Y/N" Fuutaro says

Y/N grabbed his bag and left the apartment complex

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