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What my destiny leads me I don't know

What my life being I don't know .

What's is written on my fate I don't know

What's my goal is I don't know .

In which path I will go I don't

I am cage although I live in freedom

I am in dark although I live full of light

I  have lack of knowledge although I gain knowledge from institutions

My whole life is useless although people call me genius .

What my soul want I don't know

What my heart want I don't know

What my Brain want I don't know

I am in happy but my soul isn't in pace

I get love from world but I didn't feel it

I  want to be take right decision but I cannot take it

I want to do everything right but I don't know how to do it .

It is life , its destiny here have determination we have to live we have to not our way but its own way .


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