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Yujin flutters her eyes open as she feels a pair of arms tightening their grip on her back. She looks up to see Wonyoung's sleeping face. The sunlight that shone on Wonyoung's face is somehow making her features clearer than ever. She doesn't know why she never realized that Wonyoung is this pretty. Her eyes trail from Wonyoung's closed eyes to her noticeable moles right below her right eyes to her flawless nose to her plump and kissable lips—wait, what?

Yujin shakes her head hastily as she throws away the thought of kissing her best friend's lips. "What was I think-" Yujin abruptly stops as she feels Wonyoung's faint movement. She closes her eyes and pretends to be asleep.

"Good morning, my favorite pup" Wonyoung caresses Yujin's face softly. "Why do you look so cute even when you are asleep, Yudaeng?" Yujin almost chokes on her own saliva after hearing Wonyoung's sleepy voice. She almost lets her eyes open when she feels Wonyoung lips touching her forehead. It isn't like Wonyoung never kissed her on her forehead before but since her sudden thought about how kissable Wonyoung's lips are a while ago, an unknown warmth starts creeping up on her face. She is trying her best to remain calm under Wonyoung's grasp. "I know you won't hear this but I love you, Ahn Yujin. I'm so in love with you to the point I easily forgive you for stealing my first kiss."  Yujin's heart starts to beat faster than she ever expected. She has never imagined that her own best friend will fall for her.  Now that it really happens, Yujin doesn't know how to react.

Wonyoung smiles softly while caressing Yujin's hair. She moves her lips closer to Yujin's forehead again before stopping halfway.

"I love you, Ahn Yujin."

Wonyoung closed her eyes and was about to plant another kiss on the latter's crown....

before her lips landed on another pair of soft and plump lips.

Yujin doesn't know what is wrong with her mind today but her head instinctively moves upwards. Her eyes grow wider than they already are when she feels a pair of soft lips on hers. Her eyes meet with Wonyoung's shocked eyes. They both immediately pull away from each other while covering their mouth with shock visible on her face.

"Yu-yujin!" "Won-wonyoung!" They raise their trembling fingers and point to each other. A few minutes pass by with the two staring at each other without saying anything, just, shock. 

Wonyoung breaks the awkward silence by questioning Yujin. 

"Were you awake this whole time?!!"

Yujin puts down her finger and scratches her nape out of embarrassment before nodding timidly. Wonyoung covers her face as she feels her face is getting redder than it already is. 


Wonyoung squeals. She rather dies in embarrassment than be with Yujin anymore now. Yujin giggles as she finds flustered Wonyoung kinda cute. Wonyoung stands up and about to escape from the room before Yujin pulls her, a little bit too strong, causing Wonyoung to fall back on the bed beside Yujin.

The incident of Chaewon punching her and threatening her not to go near Wonyoung suddenly showed up in Yujin's mind, causing her to flinch and stand up before stepping a few steps backward while holding up her hands. 

"W-wonyoung, I-I did-didn't meant to pull you that h-hard," 

Wonyoung swears she can feel her heart clench at the sight of Yujin, who was so clingy to her, being afraid to touch her. She stands up and tries to reach Yujin's shaking hand but the latter pulls away from her hand. 

"N-no. Chaewon unnie will be mad at me if she saw this. I-i need to go out from here now." 

Yujin quickly steps to the door as Wonyoung eyes her with sadness visible on her face. She closed her eyes as she heard the sound of the door being closed. "If only she didn't see them..." Wonyoung sighs heavily and cups her face, frustrated with her current situation with her best friend.

Meanwhile, Yujin is now in the living room, frozen at her spot as her gaze meets with Chaewon's. 


Yujin averts her gaze almost immediately after Chaewon calls her. Chaewon feels heavily guilty about Yujin's behavior. She clenches her own fist before standing up, walking towards Yujin. Chaewon notices how Yujin trembles and even averts her eyes when she arrives in front of the latter. 

"Yujinnie... Are you scared of me?" Chaewon's heart breaks when she sees Yujin timidly nod. She tried to grab Yujin's hand but failed when Yujin flinched and even backed away a bit. "Yujin, I'm sorry." Chaewon pulls Yujin into a tight hug and gives the younger soft pats on the back. "I'm sorry, Yujin. I take back everything I said to you last morning." Her heart feels relieved when she feels the younger finally melts into her embrace and hugs her back. "I'm sorry, unnie." Chaewon breaks the hug and pats the younger's head despite being the shorter one. She silently cooed when she saw the glint of tears on the younger's eyes. She silently wipes the tears from the younger's round eyes. "By the way, where were you heading actually?" Yujin averts her gaze again and scratches her nape. "Actually, I was running away from Wonyoung..." Chaewon eyes the taller with a glint of sadness in her eyes. She pats Yujin's shoulder and says "You should go back there."

Wonyoung lies on her bed, staring at Daengie, her puppy plushie that Yujin gave her for her birthday. "What should I do now, Daengie?" Wonyoung's lips tremble slightly as she feels warm tears falling from her eyes. "She's going to be distant with me for now..."

Without Wonyoung noticing, Yujin manages to slip into her room quietly. Yujin tiptoes her way to the younger before she froze on her spot when she hears soft sobs. She walks to Wonyoung immediately. "Wony, are you crying?" She softly connects her hand with Wonyoung. Wonyoung flinches slightly at the sudden contact and swiftly wipes her tears with her sleeve, which makes Yujin cooes at her. "What are you doing here?" Wonyoung breathes out before she hides her face from Yujin by using her Daeng. Yujin chuckles softly and gently pulls the plushie away from the younger's face.

"Why are you hiding your face?" "T-too near..." Yujin blinks before she realizes the close proximity between her and Wonyoung. However, instead of backing off, Yujin pulls the younger into a tight but soft hug. "I won't leave you again, Wony. I'm sorry." Yujin softly combs the girl's long delicate black hair. 

Wonyoung is left speechless when she feels Yujin's lips on her forehead. "I need to admit that I might not be able to reciprocate back your feelings for now;" Yujin holds the younger's cheeks and lifts her head so that their eyes meet. "But I don't want to part ways from you, and I also don't want us to be awkward, so the decision is on you, Wony." Wonyoung looks at her with confusion filling her eyes. She hesitated a little bit as this will change their friendships forever, or maybe not. "Wait, I won't pressure you." Yujin breaks the hug and lifts her hands into the air.

Wonyoung nearly hissed at the loss of contact with Yujin's warm hug. She pulls the hem of Yujin's shirt.  "Hug me" She breathes out timidly. The sudden request flusters Yujin, but she immediately pulls the girl inside her embrace back. A soft smile crept upon her face as a soft contented sigh can be heard from Wonyoung's lips. However, a frown immediately makes its way to Yujin's face at the thought that this might be their last hug as best friends. She tightens the hug and buries her face on Wonyoung's small shoulder, waiting for Wonyoung's final words

"Let's just be best friends like usual, Yudaeng," Wonyoung says while holding his head up to lock her gaze with Yujin who is now holding her tears back.

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