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A/N Hi! Umm let me know what you guys think. Votes, comments, fanning and such would be amazing. This story has really been a work in progress for a couple of months now. I thought I'd post it on here to see what people think of it. So feedback would be incredible.

If anyone wants to make a cover for this story I'd love that!! I'll dedicate a chapter to you and you can be the name of one of the girls/guys in the story! I'll make it somewhat of a competition! Best cover wins! xx

Love Jazz x


A figure walked down the hallway and between the large crowds of people which filled the whole house. He didn’t look real. There was something about him. A familiarity struck my emotions as he walked past me, brushing my shoulder; his smell, his face, everything was familiar. I know him. It can’t be you, can it?

A glass smashed, breaking me out of my trance and I mentally face-palmed myself, “Fuck”. I made my way through the large drunken crowd and towards the direction that the smashing sound came from. Dylan stood over a broken photo frame containing a picture of me and my dad from when I was about 5. I was sitting on his lap and we grinned at something which was out of view and behind the camera; back in the days when my dad and I looked alike and the family was partially normal.

“Sorry, Jess...” Dylan mumbled before someone pushed their way over the broken glass and in between Dylan and I. I rolled my eyes at the ignorant person who just kept walking with a drink in their hand. Dylan bit the inside of his mouth, waiting for me to say something.

“Don’t worry about it... It’s only the frame,” I bent down and started picking up the sharp pieces of glass but Dylan pushed me aside gently and took the glass away from me.

“I got it. Do you want to go get us a drink?” he smiled softly at me and motioned towards the kitchen where we had kept our drinks while I let everyone else place theirs in the bathtub full of ice so no-one would take our drinks, you know? I nodded gently and left the room, back through the rowdy crowd which was covering every inch of the house. A guy had pinned a girl against the fridge and brought his lips down to hers just as I approached them. I coughed and stood there awkwardly, waiting for them to move but they didn’t. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the handle on the fridge door and pulled it open which caused the couple to be pushed away. The guy swore and the chick just glared at me. I took out two rums and shut the door with my hip, giving the couple the finger as I walked away back towards Dylan. He took one of the drinks from me and kissed me on the cheek. I gave him a half-smile.

“You ok?” he took a mouthful and raised an eyebrow at me.

I fumbled to open the can and took a sip, “Yeah. I’m fine. Just exhausted...” I avoided Dylan’s eye contact and played with the ring on the top of the can. He placed his fore-finger under my chin and raised my head so I was looking into his eyes.

“Jess... What’s up?”

I pulled away from his finger and shook my head, “Nothing really. It’s ok,” giving him a half-hearted smile. He rolled his eyes and stepped away, saying, “I will find out...” before winking at me and disappearing into the crowd. I released the breath I only just realised that I’d been holding and went to find something to do. A group of about ten people had gathered around the coffee table in the lounge and were playing ‘Never Have I Ever...’ so I decided to join. We ended up playing for almost half an hour and I walked away, head spinning and feeling sick. The room spun around me and I walked upstairs towards my room: Dylan could take care of the party. The door to my room was half opened when I walked in. A girl was straddling a guy who was lying on my bed and they both looked at me as I came in. I said sorry and backed out again, shutting the door behind me and making my way up the hall to my parent’s room. I’m going to have to clean my sheets later... I laid on my parent’s large, empty bed and curled up against my dad’s pillow, breathing in his smell. There was a knock at the door and a voice which said, “Jess. Sweetheart, I’m coming in.”

Dylan walked through the door and locked it behind him before he came over and sat on the bed next to me. He pushed my hair off my eyes and smiled at me softly. I clenched my eyes shut and opened them again to get a clear picture of him and to stop the room from spinning around me. His light brown hair fell messily over his eyes and he pushed them to the side to form a wave of curls spreading towards the right side of his fore-head. His green eyes glimmered as his gaze never left mine. He was gorgeous. Imagine Harry Styles and Dylan looks similar to him.

“So are you going to tell me what’s up?”

I bit my lip and looked at the pillow, shaking my head slightly, “I’m just tired. I told you that.”

Dylan’s eyes burnt into my skin, “Jess, I know you. You’re my best friend and we have been best friends for years. I’ve known you since you were four. Now tell me”

He was right but that only annoyed me more “It’s nothing, Dyl! Just leave me alone, ok? I’m fine”

But he persisted... “It’s your dad, isn’t it? You have to talk to me, babe. You’ll feel better if you talk to me.”

I gritted my teeth, “Don’t. Go. There...”

“Jessica you know damn well that you want to talk to me. Fucking say it already. I’m always going to be here for you and I’m never leaving you. Just say it,” he took a deep breath and tired not to yell at me too much.

A tear escaped my eye and I brushed it into the pillow, “He... He’s here.”

Dylan’s face fell and a small piece of his hair moved out of place and covered half of his left eye, “W... What? Here? That isn’t possible though...”

Even in this drunken state I knew what I was talking about... “I felt him, Dyl. I saw him.”

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