The long way down

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Song of the week: Picture Board-Linkin park
(Ay, this track is actual fucking bangin tho)

Robin tapped away in her computer, it was late the moon was high in the sky and the stars danced around the black blanket that had over taken the day.

Hey eyes were glazed, dark circles forming around her eyes, a small yawn escapes her mouth.

"...R-Robin? What are you still doing up?"
Altea asked, as she grumbled

"You know why I am up"
Robin replies

"Listen, you've been at that for hours there's no wa-"

"Found it!"
Robin says pulling up an image of Silvia's castle.

"Remind me again why we can't just call her?"
Altea says rubbing her eyes

"Well first of all, there's no service out there second, we communicated through portals, which require the user to know the exact qordinates of the receiver. Unfortunately, she only sent portals my way so I have no way of contact with her, but luckily thanks to the power of Wi-Fi she is located iiiiin......Transylvania? Ok now that's just ridiculous, it's like the laziest attempt at a vampires location. But whatever I guess."

"Correct me if I'm want us to travel to her castle?"
Altea asks

"Precisely my smart friend"
Robin replies

Robin sat with a embarrassed smile
While Altea's eyes narrowed.

Altea said

"Make sure you pack well it will take a day or two to get there"
Robin said

"...Great, super pumped..."
Altea replied sarcastically

Robin looked back at her dimmed computer screen

"I'm coming Y/N...just hold on"


You sat cold and afraid in you cage once again. You had a noticeable gash on your back. The stunt you had pulled with Ailsa earlier that day had gotten you in trouble with Silvia, and you were punished severely. A permanent mark in your back as a reminder to know who truly owned you. What was even scarier was that she gave you one last more screw up and you were done. You couldn't sleep, it hurt to lay down. It hurt to stand, sit, you name it. The Silence was ghostly, not a sound but you rustling in your small steel prison. Another night of endless pain and regret. You had no more tears no more yelling you were broken. Couldn't even talk to yourself.

You sat awake all night until morning came, that's when Scarlett came around the corner. She approached your cage

"Hey there Y/N....y-you doing ok?"
She asked

You didn't respond

She asked once again

Still nothing

"Please say something.."

".....Pets Don't Speak"
You said

Scarlett's eyes saddened.

"....You poor thing..."
She whispered to herself

Suddenly an idea came to mind.

"..Hey Y/N...How would you like to help me bake today? I could use the extra hand"
She said with an empathetic smile

You looked at her with a slight smile

"I'll take that as a yes"
She said bring ing you into the kitchen

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