Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV

Wait, Minji noona? She is Soo Mi's and Yoongi hyung's cousin sister. I had only met her once, and our meeting had lasted only for a few minutes because I and Jiminie had to stay over at the studio for a slight bit of recording. Jiminie didn't even get to meet her as he returned late.

I rushed to the door along with Kookie, who immediately pushed Petal aside and took noona's one-year-old, Soo Young, from noona's arms. "Noona! You brought Soo Youngie?" I asked our brown-haired noona, who just smiled. "I'm here too! Didn't you see me?" A ravenette stepped out from behind Minji noona, causing Petal to gasp. 

"Haewon unnie! I'm glad you came!" Petal said while hugging her and cooing at the baby in Kook-ah's arms, "The only baby I get to play with these days is Kook, and most often he goes of playing the 'tough and strong golden maknae' so I am left alone." 

"But I am the tough and strong golden maknae. You know- aigoo, you wanna go to your aunt? Here Mi noona, hold her please?" Jungkook's protest was cut in half when Youngie started making grabby hands towards Petal.

"Sure you are, Kook," I smirked as he stuck his tongue out at me. Immediately after that Petal began giggling softly at the baby in her arms. She just stood there, holding Youngie and nuzzling her nose into the baby's neck. The baby giggled as well, and Mi chuckled softly again, which caused me to coo silently at her. This caused Kook to lean in and whisper, "Whipped", me to blush, Haewon noona to nudge me, laughing quietly, and Minji noona to smirk knowingly.

"How 'bout we go in?" Petal tugged at my sleeve like a toddler, and we all went inside. As soon as we got in, Jiminie stood up and rushed towards Petal, a look of pure awe and admiration in his eyes. Yoongi hyung followed closely, chuckling at his awestruck boyfriend. 

"Is this- is this Soo Young?" Jimin asked softly, caressing the baby's forehead. Yoongi hyung hummed 'yes' as he slipped an arm around Jimin's waist. Petal smiled softly, as she carefully transferred her to Jiminie's arms. I caught her eye and smiled, but, to my surprise and pride, she blushed lightly before smiling back. Ohhhh.


After a few hours of casual chatting and play-fighting, we decided to play truth or dare. Haewon noona's idea, not mine. I knew it was gonna be a disaster, but who can stop the inevitable?

Petal started, "Jiminie, truth or dare?" He thought for a while before deciding on a dare. "I dare you to.....yeah, stay away from Yoongi Oppa for 2 rounds." As soon as she said this, the Yoonmin couple started making exaggerated gestures as they shifted away from each other, pouting and whining. Jiminie glared playfully at her, while she just chuckled.

I noticed the evil smirk on Jimin's face only when he turned to me asking 'truth or dare'. I gulped and answered, "Uh, truth?" "You're asking me?" Jimin burst out laughing. Freaking midget. 

"Who is the cutest girl in this room? Answer truthfully because we'll understand if you're lying, TaeTae," he winked at me. I gulped again before pretending to look around the room but, internally, I was searching desperately for a ruse to get out of this.

Then I saw something. My face lit up immediately, and before Jimin could follow my gaze and close my only loophole, I answered, "Soo Youngie, of course!" As if on cue, the baby started giggling and Jiminie's smirk was wiped clean off his face. 

"Hey, that's not fair!" Kookie immediately shouted. "What's not fair? Jimin didn't specify if the girl was to be a baby or an adult, did he?" Jin hyung started laughing at the JungSHOOK Jimin, which led the rest of the guys to start laughing too.

After a few stupid truths and dares, it was finally the golden maknae's turn. "Noona!" Three heads turned to him instantly, so he corrected, "I meant Soo Mi noona. Noona, truth or dare?" She was about to say something before she started sneezing adorably, which caused Kook to immediately look at me. I blushed and ducked when he smirked. After she finished sneezing, she answered, "Truth, but go easy on me please."

Kook smirked again, "It's a really simple question. Who is the hottest; V hyung or Jiminie hyung?" My head shot up real quick, and Petal almost fell off the couch. "W-what?" she stuttered, a light blush stealing over her features before she regained her composure. 

"Well, I would say it probably is Tae because, um, I dunno why but Jiminie Oppa's more like a mochi-ish baby-ish person for me rather than being all hot. But I also can't deny how his parts from BS&T are like, extreme? But still, um, I think, Tae, is my answer," she blushed again before glaring darkly at Kookie.

I couldn't help but smirk as I noticed that she was trying desperately to avoid eye contact with me. Everyone started laughing as she buried her face into her knees, blushing furiously. I wasn't even focusing on the game now as I stared at my flustered best friend, smirking lightly. Kookie glanced at me and I discreetly gave him a thumbs-up. He smiled lightly before hitting Jimin hard. When everyone burst out laughing, Soo Mi looked up to see what was going on and accidentally caught my eye. She quirked an eyebrow while blushing and I just shook my head, smirking. 

She looked away immediately before announcing, "I'm gonna make some hot chocolate. Anyone up for a cup?" When everyone said 'no', she shrugged and went into the kitchen all by herself.

After a few seconds, I reconsidered my decision and went to the kitchen to get some for myself. She was just starting on hers, so I casually went to her to ask for some. When I poked her shoulder, she gasped and turned, before blushing again. Then I realized how close we were. 

A sudden surge of boldness coursed through me as I slipped my hands around her waist and pulled her even closer (if that was even possible).

Her breath hitched before I said, "Thank you." "Wae? Why are you thanking me?" she pouted doubtfully, the blush slowly leaving her face. "For choosing me to be the hottest person, of course," I smirked when she hit my chest playfully, the blush returning once again. "Don't thank me. It was just because Jiminie's cute, remember," she scrunched up her nose, frowning and trying to hide her flustered demeanor.

"Oh really?" I smirked again before tipping her chin up. "I never got to properly thank you though." "P-properly?" 

Blame it on my boldness or Petal's flustered state, I couldn't hold myself back as I pressed my lips against hers.

To say that she was surprised would be an understatement. She gasped against my lips, her eyes widening comically before she relaxed into the kiss. Her arms instantly went around my neck as I softly smirked. She huffed and I fought the urge to laugh as she slowly kissed back.

After some time, we pulled away together, breathless and with blushes on our faces. As I looked at her, I felt the boldness slowly drain out of me. I immediately started apologizing, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that oh god I'm so freaking sorry. Please forgive me I-" 

"Hey, hey it-it's alright. Um, I shouldn't have kissed back too, so well, um, don't tell the others, 'kay?" She was still flustered but she looked up at me and smiled.

"No, I'll never bring this up again. So, well, um, friends?" I asked her, slightly nervous. She chuckled at my expression before replying, "Yes, friends."


We went back to the others only after preparing a cup of hot chocolate for me (she said she would make one later). As soon as we entered the room, everyone glanced up at us, making me slightly nervous. Would they find out? But thank god, they didn't look closer. We sat down and waited for Haewon noona to restart the game.

When the signal never came, we looked up to see everyone looking at us with wide eyes. "What?" I asked them, blushing lightly. Jungkookie and Jiminie smirked, RM hyung had his mouth wide open, Jin hyung looked proud, Seokie hyung looked just surprised, and Minji noona smiled knowingly at me. I gulped, not wanting to look at Petal. I heard her clear her throat nervously too. Haewon noona was the first to break out of the trance, and immediately after, she looked enraged (playfully, of course) as she said, "You KISSED??!!

Well, shoot.

A/N: It's only the beginning of many, babies! And, Haewon is one of their choreographers who is friends with Soo Mi, and she has a crush on Hoseok, okay? BTW the picture above's my OTP: Vkook, also known as Taekook, Taegguk, or Vgguk. Just saying, okay, don't kill me XD. Did you guys watch Run BTS episode 121? V was very convincing with his acting skills, and I thought Kook was gonna cry because everyone was blaming him. It was fun altogether though. Well, hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Comment and vote, please. Till we meet again. Borahae!

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